What a day.

22 replies since 17th July 2008 • Last reply 17th July 2008

I found out quite early that I can take as much time as I like, but it won't make a difference. I'm one of those people who works well under pressure, so when I get the creative spark I just HAVE to do it and if I leave it too long I'll lose interest. Unfortunately, if I get an idea just before I go to bed I have to stay up and do it or I can't sleep. But yeah, I found out in art class in school that whether I spent ten minutes or two hours on something, it'd be about the same. It just takes the time it takes for me, I can't force myself to take my time

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I was always the first to finish in art class and in college, even when I'm not rushing I'm quick but with something hard I try to take my time, or if I'm getting annoyed I try to slow down and think. I made two towers out of clay in college in 2 days, most people in the class took ages although they were using wood and saws and metal and did a lot of planning, you have weeks for these projects but it took me days to finish!

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It was always ridiculous at school, I think the least amount of drawings for a prokect I did was 17 and 12 was meant to be amazingly good. For my Alice in Wonderland project I did 32. It was mainly because I did pictures quite quickly haha

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Bottle cap belt, eh?
What about nails? You could hammer a nail into the center of it and then just take it out...Hm...You'd want to nail it into something though. I suppose you could find a piece of wood and then not nail it in all the way.

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I used a drill to get holes in bottlecaps =P

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oo hammer and nails that might work. I don't have a drill and don't know anyone with one to borrow it so.

edit: hammer and a nail worked Happy

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yeh thanks for the help!

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