I don't understand the fake plugs...
I don't see why you're so hateful about it.
It's just an accessory, so just calm down.
Just like clip earrings for people without piercings, or those clips in for your hair...what's the big deal? Just accessorizing. This whole "it's all fakery!!" is kind of getting on my nerves cuz people just want the same effect without changing.
Cuz you know? I like gauges and shit but when I'm 30 and older I don't want huge holes in my ears. So I don't freaking do it now. I'd rather stay with the fake shit, thankyou.
I can also see why people try to pass them as real.
Maybe they are afraid YOU are going to judge them for wearing fakes. So they try to hide it and be cool about it, and just try their best to cover up the fakery so you don't pick fun at them for being "fake" and wearing fake gauges and whatnots.
i got fakes becaause i dont wish to stretch my ear and liked the colors. it ruins normal earrings for me, what if i wanna keep wearing normal ones and the holes too big? plus i think it looks ugly to have the hole/dangling flesh there. its peoples choice or right to do as they please so stop insulting people who choose either side. just like how i choose to keep my ear unstretched so i have more options of earwear.
I'm not into the whole ear stretching thing or any of that, but I feel that this post along with most of its comments are offensive to some people so far from what I've gathered from this post and its comments people are calling people that wear plugs wannabes, whores, irritating, sick gross, fake, stupid, weird, and disgusting. Even if you say that you don't like them it's still mean. for example if you just got a new sweater that you really like and some one walked up to you and said I don't like your sweater. That would put you down a bit wouldn't it. so is you have a negative comment keep it to your self, because there are plenty of people on CO+K that are into that kind of stuff and read board posts. So is you posted anything mean related to this post you might as well say it to their face. I'm 14 and can realize that this is wrong yet adults are posting these insults. so what is you don't like how someone looks. It's not your job to make them feel bad about it. So for all you people who posted insults, you're just describing yourself.> >
For all who say fake plugs are stupid because they are being used to "look cool". Is the reason most people (I said most) Get piercings or tattoos, dye hair, etc because they like the way it looks? Who cares if they are actually stretched, or they just like the look and want to wear it now and again. Stop acting like they are insulting you. Congrats you stretched your ears, it was your decision, and this is theirs. Get over yourselves. p.s I am currently stretching my ears and non biased.
I fell in love with the gorgeous wooden spiral plugs, I just am way too much of a pansy to stretch my ears for them. I have 4 piercings on my left ear and 3 on my right (all in the lobe) and Im concerned that would interfere with stretching the first hole. Also Ive heard too many horror stories of people stretching them and later having saggy earholes that wont return to normal size. I never really liked the idea of stretching my ears but I do love those earrings. I feel that is why I would wear fake ones but at the same time I shouldnt fake a look Im too scared to pull off.
I wear fake plugs for the fact that 1) I'm going into an industry where business attire is a must. So there are going to be times I need to look "normal" so the speak. 2) I deal with family that frowns upon body modification plus have small children tugging on piercings a lot over the years its easier and safer to do fake plugs. 3) I have two piercings in each ear and don't wish to mess them up. 4) I have issues with certain metals so I can't wear certain types of earrings and going fake means I can get what I need nickel free.
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