Pickpocketed -_-

I went to Ikea yesterday to buy the last little bits of furniture for my room, and somebody stole my wallet, all my money (which was 80 dollars, which is a fair amount for me), and my student i.d. Happy I got my wallet back, but still! So annoying! Why would you steal 80 dollars from a high school sophomore's wallet! It's not like they couldn't tell I wasn't any older than 15! Ugh. It makes me so mad.

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7 replies since 15th July 2010 • Last reply 15th July 2010

That is terrible! I am so sorry. It just makes you feel so crappy when someone steals from you doesn't it. On the bright side at least you got your wallet back!

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Oh man, this is the most hateful thing :| It happened to me a while ago in London and I didn't get anything back Happy x

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Yeah it sucks Happy Also now I have no money to buy my friend a birthday present :\ I guess it'll have to wait a couple weeks.

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it happened to me once

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How awful! Yeah that happened to me, too. Someone stole my purse from my bag in a pub. They actually found my purse in the bin, they took my cash card (which luckily they only took £50 off, and the company refunded that because it happened at the exact time I was making a statement at the police station!) and luckily were not interested in my drivers licence etc'. I got that back - left the purse on/in a bin/ashtray thing outside a church, they just threw the stuff they didn't want on the floor. In a way that would be worse because of all the hassle- I need ID for my job etc'.

Now I have several purses, and take an old rubbish one with just 1 card and 1 ID form if I'm going somewhere crowded or rough.

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Sorry to hear about that,it happened to me on the bus a few times to...Once they stole my cell phone and when I realized what happened I jumped off the bus to run after him.Lucky my friend held me back,because these guys can be dangerous.
Their method is that 4-5 men come in the bus and surround one person so the people in the bus cant see and they steal anything they can get their hands on.

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I'm so sorry you have suffered what is a personal invasion. Particularly as you are a student with little spare cash. Some thug knicked my handbag. I was furious as it had my phone, cash cards, house keys and my most precious poetry note book. I wasn't bothered about anything but the book. The policeman gave me a funny look when I told him 'the b*stard had stolen my words'. It's sad that we live in a world with little respect by some individuals.
My faith in humanity has been restored a bit by going to a Pagan camp where we left our tents open, handbags on show and nothing was taken. In fact it was the reverse, someone ran out of pasta so we gave her ours. There are good folk out there too x

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