Motivation Help

I find myself constantly sitting at my craft table poking my materials with a pen and staring off in space. I love crafting because of what I can create afterwards but I find it so hard to sit down and start. I feel I am so hesitant to start because I am one of those people who prefers working with a friend or having somewhere there to talk to while doing it. Unfortunately, I am lacking on craft-buddies where I live. Does anyone else have this same problem and how do you overcome it?

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2 replies since 14th July 2010 • Last reply 14th July 2010

Me to pet, it's lack of time fore than anything else! I always go through my ritual of clearing the desk, making a drawing and to do list (or pulling up the how to on here!) and then start hacking away. Usually with one of my working dvds on in the background. Probably won't work for everyone but worth a try?

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I would also put on a good movie, and think about how great it is going to b in the end! Happy

Be glad you dont have my problem- I see so many cool projects and then when I'm lucky and have the materials, my room isnt clean so I get distracted or I mess up horribly. Or I'm just being lazy, and it never gets done.


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