All the hype about <swine flu>
another flu outbreak. This one started in mexico...has anyone been affected by this?
Swine flu's the joke going around college now. Every time anyone coughs someone else is like "Oh, you've got swine flu" :|
I hope it doesn't spread to Honduras... if it did I would just laugh, because this trip has pretty much been set up for something to go wrong with it.
New York students have it....but gosh I hope nobody brought it to my state...stupid pig flu!! People need to quit traveling lol!
don't say that Izzy.
well its spread from contact with inflected pigs
Yeah...but I think you could also get it from the people who got it from Mexico...someone in mexico spread it and then all the kids that went there for spring break are bringing it home
lots of scares....although theres only been 40 cases in the states and none of them fatal
because it is a form of swine, avian and human flu it spreads to people to people rather then just pig to pig or pig to human, they don't even know what the source of this is because this is completely new. I'd like to know how many pigs have been slaughtered and if theyve found it in any pigs in Mexico but none of the articles I can find go into the animal side of it much. With avian flu you get it if you'd been in contact with affected birds with this it doesn't matter if youve been near a pig or not.
I'm not scared, they made this fuss about avian flu and Mad cow disease I didn't know anyone who died or even contracted it.
well people in canada is a bit scared because it has started to spread here. there are about three provences affected
there's cases here, anyone with it is or suspected of having it is isolated. There was a couple in Scotland who came back from Mexico after a honeymoon and had been out about about 5 days before they were isolated but all the people they tested that came into contact with them have tested negative. I really don't see the point in panicking.
Yeah, there was all that hype about bird flu and nothing came of it.
On the front of one newspaper today the headline said that the government have ordered 32 million face masks... it makes me laugh, because it's been said in loads of other newspapers that it's debateable whether the face masks even do anything to protect you from the flu virus.
There's a confirmed couple of cases in Scotland and scientists reckon that it will be in London by now. I'm getting really cheesed off with the British media tho. I barely read the papers and don't watch telly so the bits I've read have really annoyed me. It so hyped up. They don't just report the facts any more. As far as I can tell its basically a new strain of flu. I don't see how making people scared and panicky is going to help.
B.C my province is being bitten, but i'm not worried, we have good doctors here.They will take care of me
the media has lied and scare mongered for a very long time.
Yeah I agree but it seems worse now than when I was growing up. Maybe I'm getting old I think its all the 24hr news channels. I think they feel obliged to fill it with 'news' even tho its not news.
I say you are right. although I do find it amazing how even now old dieseases are coming back, like measles and scarlet fever.
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