All the hype about <swine flu>
I live in Mexico ...Campeche, Mexico... but thank god there aren't any cases of swine flu, I'm happy about that.
but what I'm really worry about is DISCRIMINATION! why people is discriminating mexicans?, for example China, They have isolated 71 Mexicans, instead of helping.
that sucks!!
I know, they have detained canadians as well
Hype or not, it's sad that people are dying from something like this. And all because greedy money grubbers aren't taking care of their animals, which are dying too. I just went into pissed off mode.
I am just really tired our hearing about it. I heard today that the death toll was only like 1,000. Which, yes, obviously any unneeded death is terrible but only 1,000? Out of a population of 6 billion? I really don't think its worth the hype.
I think thats horrid, those 1,000 people were family members, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, childern and elders...
some might say that is small, but is it?
its still a lost of life.
Yes but how much news coverage do we give to the thousands of people every single day that die from starvation and dehydration? It's just been a slow news month so they have to suddenly care about something again. Doesn't help that the recession's gotten boring
oh god....yesterday I got noticed that my city have 7 swine flu cases, they say that everything is under control.. I hope so...
My schooheld a conference with the admisintration
that apprently someone LAST WEEK had swine flu and was walking around freely, and we find out now..
well no wonder everyone was hacking off sick last week..
i heard *prolly a rumour* that THREE PEOPLE have been hospitalized..
well, crap.
Tim might have swine flu. He has basically all the symptoms. It could be just normal flu but we'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out. So I'm holed up in his at the moment - if I'm gonna get it I'll already be infected, and I don't want to go home and infect everyone else. Oh well, all fun and games!
yup, just quatine yourself, how fun
Tons o pple on chicago have it mostly latinos and pple have to wear doctors masks at the train station or where ever they go. especially downtown
A girl from my work thought she had swine flu and the doctor wore a bio hazard suit haha.
Hopefully the doctor's coming over to check him out today, but we're waiting to hear back. So far none of the rest of us have symptoms though
thats good to hear, my bf works at a hospital, and there are many cases here now. I hope he doesn't get it
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