Bastardization of Architecture

Sooo...Im back at work, and my office has two new school projects, as does the old firm I worked for. My mom is a teacher at one of these schools. So the school board hired a firm called Fielding and Nair, who are school design specialists. They design great schools, and our school board has basically taken all the design, and bastardized the architecture into a box, with fucking portables attached!!!!! This hurts me physically...if you wanted a box with portables you should have hired an engineer, it would have been a hell of a lot cheaper and you would have gotten the same result. Whats the point of hiring someone who knows their job and does it well, if you arent going to do any of their recommendations? This school board is designing the same out of date schools, that they are replacing. Where is education going in the next 50 years? Do they have any foresight whatsoever??? If you design a building to last 50 years and to be flexible it will last and serve its purpose immensely well. If you design a building for 10 years, its going to perform alright for the first 10 and like shit for the next 40. Again whats the point???

Im so hurts to know what power the client has to destroy a vision and a building that would work.
I literally want to scream....

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2 replies since 8th May 2009 • Last reply 8th May 2009

also, sorry for the swears...I was really frustrated..I can edit them out if need be. Let me know

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no, its understandable. I don't understand that as well. I worked as a graphic designer, and I know too well what a cleint can do. they are idots

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