1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

Sounds like ya need a new laptop battery Bec...mine was like that when my battery life was going.

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yup, batteries, don't you hate them

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Haha well I went out anyway, felt a bit sick on occasion but generally okay =) we did play drinking games, which didn't help.

My random rant of the day: I miss sleeping with men who actually care about me. Just it'd be nice if afterward they didn't leg it or just sleep awkwardly next to me. Sex always used to cheer me up but I've realised now why - it wasn't the actual act, it was the intimacy. I miss that. I'd love for someone to really care about me again, if only for one night. Sad face..

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i have really bad heart burn- it sucks and i usually only have it when i'm knocked up- so let's hope i'm knocked up again ok?

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awww sweetie, hugs for kitten

I have facial hair, not fine stuff, but a moustach!!!! eeekkk, need to get my upper lip waxed and my chin. Hate gentics now

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I actually like him..quite a lot. It's been a long time since I had that fuzzy feeling. I just wish he gave away how he felt...

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I understand kitten, I feel the same way about chad. But things happen, but sometimes I wish it wasn't like it

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So have you guys sorted stuff?

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a post of mine was deleted off a message board...I'm quite hurt, I don't get why - it wasn't offensive...oh well

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us? well I have tried, chad is still in denile

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I'm talking to a real dumass who says mean things about a country that I love, China. I should know what the people are like, I lived there.

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I've had to shut my windows on a beautiful Autumn day because neighbour kids are running aroung screaming their heads off and it's driving me nuts grrr.

On the subject of men, I haven't had one for so long I wouldn't know what to do with one if he arrived gift-wrapped lol

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Michelle: you lived in China? Wow what's it like? I've always wanted to go there (on holiday at least)
Laurel: I feel for you, I am the same... I'd look at the wrapped parcel puzzelingly and be like WTF??

My random rant of the day is the AWFUL problems at Uni. Basically one of my tutorials clash with ALL the lectures, so now they are saying that I am going to have to change a module (AGAIN!!). It may sound like nothing to other people, but it is really upsetting to me...

1) I've already had to change my modules once for a different problem
2) I happy with what I am studying and I don't want to study something I am not happy with - thus affecting my motivation to learn it - therefore affecting my whole degree (that's how I see it)
3) i've already bought all the books, and they are like £40 (on average) PER BOOK!!
4) Next week will be my 3rd week, so IF I have no other choice to change my modules (which I REALLY don't want to do) then I will be 3 weeks behind on the new module.
5) I'm paying the Uni over £3,000 a year to tell me what I can or cannot study... all but 1 module are optional, meaning I GET TO CHOOSE? What's the point in having an OPTIONAL module not accessable to ALL students???

I'm just so fed up, I was being pushed from pillar to post, until yesturday when I spoke to a guy who used to be head of the Joint Honours Department (which no longer exists anymore - all the JH students have been distrpiuted to other faculties), and he was VERY sympatheic - unlike everyone else.

Sorry but this is really annoying me, I have had nothing but trouble about 2 weeks before starting Uni, all the problems having to change my modules in the first place... then the program online - which is meant to help people pick tutorial times - does not work 50% of the Business Students (me included) and NOW THIS!! Hertfordshire cannot tell their head from their arse and need to sort themselves out!!!!

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Yes, I lived in Northern China, it was an amazing experience.

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BecStar - I can't believe not many people are being sympathetic, this is money and most importantly YOUR FUTURE at stake! I hope the head of that department will get things sorted for you, you need to pester pester pester with this sort of thing espeically in such a big institution like a uni. I'm annoyed for you! Hope it gets sorted.

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