
154 replies since 16th August 2008 • Last reply 16th August 2008

I wear a shirt. I have 3 shirts. One is mint green, one is cream with a bow thing at the top and one is similar but more brown. All are quite dressy up but they work because smart/casual doesn't mean you have look like you're going to a funeral. And I wear black trousers that have different coloured patterned stripes down them. I bought that pair of trousers and the green shirt espeically for interviews cuz the other stuff I had I'd had for ages and it was crap. I wore my usual ballet pumps which could have done with a polish but oh well. I don't think people pay that much attention to detail.

Good luck!

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yeah, I wish I had my shoes, but they are over at the new place.

and thanx

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I normally wear a pair of black trousers, normally with pinstripe, and a nice shirt or respectable jumper or something. And boots

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Had an interview yesterday, and I was so nervous I thought I'd completely messed up. But it obviously went well, because I got a call today saying I've got the job and I have to do 2 training sessions before I start (which annoyingly have to be during the week because the trainer doesn't work weekends, and the only weekday I can make is a Thursday because luckily I finish college early). So I start on the 12th, 7 hours a week and I get paid £5.20 an hour Happy

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nice! Congrats Izzy

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wooo well done!

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I hope I get the hotel job, the interview went well

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so I didn't get the Waterstones job and Boots sent me an email saying they're disappointed that I withdrawed my application for one of the jobs I applied for there, I did not! Good job I applied for two jobs there! I emailed them back but doubt they will get back to me before the dead line (29th).

Good luck Michelle!

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thanks queen. I am thinking of going to our local pub and seeing if they are hiring. Or going to the shopping center. I am only aloud to work part time[that way I don't wreck my leg]

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I found a job, in the menswear department at Sears department store

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So have you got a job now!!!?

I just applied for a job at a pet shop!!! The advert said 'Must have keen interest in animals. Some customer service experience would be an advantage' so I made it clear in my covering letter that I have those things. HOPE HOPE HOPE!!!!

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does a hope and good luck dance

sending good vibes

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oooo I can feel them I've gone all tingly!!! I'm sending them baaack! lol every time the phone rings i get excited and run to it!

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my first day of work was ok, I folded loads of sweaters and I am working 4 hours tonight and friday and sat. So its nice to have hours.

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I had training at work today. I learned how to bag up fish and I helped sell a rabbit Happy. I've got soooo much stuff to learn though, on Sunday whenever I get asked a question I'm probably just going to be like "Um... I'm knew here" haha. And this weekend it's 15% off everything in the whole garden centre, so it's gonna be madly busy. Trust this to be my first weekend haha. Oh well, I guess being thrown in at the deep end is sort of a good thing, because it gives me a lot of experience and helps me get used to the job quicker I reckon.

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