
154 replies since 16th August 2008 • Last reply 16th August 2008

I know!

I was chatting to my boss last night, he is a nice guy

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I had a HORRIBLE customer on friday. The till didn't know that it was 3 for 2 on these things and then the security cases wouldn't come off so I kept having to run back and forth to this section of the shop from my till and it all ended with this woman implying I was either stupid or an alcoholic. I had to get up and go to the staff room to have a drink and to calm down I couldn't even speak to other members of staff because I knew I would have burst out crying, I took deep breaths and counted to 10 and stopped myself crying. It was horrible and then later on this guy asked me if i 'get a buzz from sitting down all day', I don't know if he was taking the piss cuz maybe I looked tired but I really didn't need that. There's always that small percentage of people that fuck it up for everyone else! my confidence is a bit knocked now Happy

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i know how you feel. i really hate it when the till is playing up and someone gets all pissy or when some stupid second year girls come in to buy hair dye, ask for my advice and then assume that because i work in semi chem i dont know anything about hair dye....grrrrr
at least you get seats to sit on at boots. i have to stand for 6 hours every saturay at a till or stacking shelves at semi chem.

although on the bright side i might be getting more hours and my boss and the people who i work with are pretty cool.

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oh Queenie don't get like that, no one has a right to treat you that way, one customer called another sales girl a B*tch and I told her I would retort, would you like to talk to sequrity?

One woman got sassy with me over the price of a coat, it said in the flyer and signage 50% off all mens coats, not including prices ending in .97 or C brand. So I was like find try to take the coat, when the alarm goes off, Serqurity will be glad to take you out of the store.

All coats are alarmed(locked in) so if you try to take one, this high pitch scream comes out. It can make you ears bleed. I've seen many people run from it.

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yeh there was one woman who gave me 1.50 in change but I didn't see this 20p so thought she'd not given enough and she took it out of my hand and counted it into my hand hard! People think it's easy working on tills, it would be easy if you had no customers lol OMG slap_art you don't even get to sit down, uurgh! Although when I'm on my breaks I can't keep still because I've been sat down so long lol
With some security tags we just have to place on this thing and it beeps and buzzes (which sounds like a fart!!!) to stop it going off at the doors, but it still does! Get my uniform next week hopefully!

There was just a Boots advert on and I was all proud lmao!

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I don't get to sit down either other than on my half an hour lunch break. It's a long time going for 6 1/2 hours on your feet haha. I asked today if we could have a chair behind the information desk but we only get one if someone's pregnant Happy.

Thankfully I don't really have to deal with many customers unless I'm selling them an animal or answering their questions, but they all seem to be pretty nice. Apart from Fish Man, he's terrible haha. He smells so bad and he looks like a tramp, he wastes our time and rarely buys anything, and he lurks around in the fish room getting in our way.
People always seem to ask really stupid, like today some old woman asked me how much some rabbits were when there was a price on the info sheet in the run with them, and then when I said "The price and all the information about them is on that sheet there" and pointed it out to her she was like "No it's not!" in a really snappy way :\. And then one of the other women with her was like "Do you sell these?". Well no duh, we've just got them in a run there with a price on them for no reason.

Other than being asked stupid questions sometimes I love my job. I got to play with one of our African Grey parrots today and he was really cute, he jumped up on my arm and then stepped up onto my shoulders and was walking across them as I walked around the shop, and he kept whistling and bobbing his head Happy

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*JEALOUS*...One day I will work in a zoo! I don't love my job but I do like it actually.

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Ohh a zoo. That would be great.

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yeh there's a zoo and a safari park not so far away, just gotta wait for vacanices...and a driving licence....................and a car

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I would love to work in a zoo too. The closest one to me is London Zoo, and if I worked there I'd either have to live in central London or commute every day, both of which would be a nightmare Happy

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sigh no zoos near by

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let's make a zoo! I have a dog and some rubber ducks!

I am so fed up of work at the moment, it's only the second week! Tis hormones Happy but this woman came in and decided she would now boycott the company because she couldn't return something that was clearence AND pharmacutial! You can't do that anywhere! Customers take everything out on you, I don't make up the rules! and just grrrr at other things too!

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I get so annoyed with people like that, they always think they're right and no matter what you say they don't listen. Like this man I had to help today, he asked me if we had mousetraps so I showed him where they were and he was like "Oh I'll take those *picks up a packet of the classic mousetraps (like the ones you see in cartoons with the cheese on them :p) that kill the mice*... actually do you have any humane ones that don't kill them?". So I told him there were none on the shelf and said I would look on the computer system, and I couldn't find any one there so I told him and I pointed out a mole trap which looks similar and he was like "Well a MOLE TRAP goes in the GROUND, and that's NO GOOD for what I want it for. If you don't have any you could've JUST SAID SO and that would've been PERFECTLY OKAY, you don't need to go MAKING THINGS UP.". He got proper pissy with me and it just made me feel all , I had to stop what I was doing to come and help you and I was really really busy running from person to person so I don't need you being a bitch at me.

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oh we all hate those people, like people who bring back underwear.

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and people who think you're a mind reader...or think they're making it easier for you, like doing you a favour!?

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