Hey, what do you all do? I know ONE OF YOU is SO LUCKY and is a writter for a drum magazine! Lucky
I AM NOT so lucky! lol. My job is slightly complicated.... so ... the SHORT story is...
My mom worked at Osh Kosh B'gosh, a childrens store. Our cousin got a job with her there.
Carters [another childrens store] bought osh kosh, and now owns it, and my mom was sent to another mall to work at the new carters, while my cousin was sent to the SAME MALL to manage the osh kosh across from the carters.
My cousin's husband manages the FIRST osh kosh that my mom and cousin worked at.
I helped out my cousin's husband on Black Friday and the saturday after that, and so I was put in the database as a seasonal employee.
The osk kosh across from carters that my cousin works at needs help for two weeks so now I'm working there. I've been there a week, and I have to work manager's hours, because my cousin lined up my schedule to match my moms [so she can drive me to work... while she just goes to work, because our schedules are the same, and they are right across from eachother].
So NOW, I help out in the back with inventory, we just got manequins, so I upacked, assemled, dressed, and displayed all the mannequins [there are 6 types, baby active, baby casual, toddler active, toddler casual, and kid active and kid casual.]
BUT, Since the first time I actually worked at osh kosh [in the old store] I just passed out coupon cards and I tagged items with security tags.. I had no need to learn how to work the register..
so half the time, I'm wandering around the store fixing things, and the other half I'm unpacking inverntory and trying to find out where it goes.
I can't really ask people if they need help, because I havn't been there long enough to know where anything is, not to mention they've been changing around the entire store, so its even harder to figure out.
so yea..
THATS THE SHORT STORY.. Trust me... its actually a LOT longer.
I currently don't have a job, I don't have enough time to do things as it is and my mum's busy so I don't think she could take me to a job. I'm kinda scared of getting a job as well. I'll try and get more organised and see if I have time for one.
ooh, I have a question for any-one who's done a fair bit of part-time work. Would certain places be okay if you were only able to work one or two days a week?
Yea, totally! There is a girl at my work, and she works part time at another store [I think its Hollister or something like that] and part time for us. She only works one or two days a week with us.
yeh most places ask you what days you can work when you're availiable and stuff but I wouldn't worry about having a job until a couple of years time Shivi!
I've been very lucky I think because my parents were never like 'YOU MUST GET A JOB' and always helped me out with money enjoy your yooouth! Yeh so everyone knows I'm a dog groomer even though I haven't heard anything from them again and only worked one day there
So what kind of jobs has eveyone had?
I was a preschool teacher, I watched kids at a place called Kids Ventures where you play with the kids. A Kennel Tech at a vet. A Pizza delivery driver/sandwich and pizza maker. And a booth attendant at a vallet. (= The valet was best that's where I met my hubby.
I work for a craft shop in my favourite part of time, it's connected to a wedding shop so mostly peopled come in when they're really happy and planning their weddings so it's lovely. And I get a discount which is AMAZING. I only work Saturdays in there.
And I used to work in Evans which was rubbish and made me want to hurt myself. I would get twenty minutes into my four hour shift and think about inducing vomitting so I could go home
well I used to have a paper round but the pay was terrible and I hate walking.
and I used to label dog food containers for this company but then they changed management and no longer needed me so that sucked That was a good job coz I took a big boxes of these lids home and had a week to label so many of them but I could do it from home and in my own time!
I used to work VERY VERY part time [whenever I came in I helped out... but I just came in whenever I felt like it] at a store called "my dollar store" and I got paid with items from the store.
Then I worked twice at an ice cream shop called Cold Stone and everytime someone would tip us, we had to sing [BLEH].
and I'm TRYING to get a job at Michaels [a HUGE craft store] so I can get BUNCHES AND BUNCHES of free crap woot
Hobby Lobby Framer here... or was. (The co manager made me so freaking mad I walked out after a year.) But I suppose that happens after working 60 hour weeks for a year for only seven dollars and hour. Great money... but with full time uni and all the crap they put me through, I thought I was more than justified.
I'm either getting a job at lowes, or a job as a receptionist. I don't really care which. I suppose that's bad, but true.
I want a job where I have to sing!
I've already picked out the places I want to work when I go to uni haha. Especially this amazing place called the Evil Eye Lounge, it was just so cool and relaxed in there and a pretty man with dreads worked there. And when we gave them a tip they got really excited haha.
you had to sing when you got tipped? that is so funny! loti
what did you have to sing? in your job interview did they make sure you could sing?
the dollar store job sounds cool too.
I own a small art studio, well it's a paint-a-piece. Where you can come in and paint your own ceramics then I fire it and it becomes microwave and dish washer safe. ^_^ The kids really enjoy it they have their birthday parties with me. My favorite parties are the girl's nights out ^_~ they bring the best food and drinks and let me have some hehe It's awesome they pay me to have a good time.
Ooh! A paint your own pottery studio! I love those! Everytime I go on vacation I visit one. I would love to work at a place where I could have fun like that every day. I went with one of my friends as a girls night out, but it wasn't a party so much. There were only two of us and I painted a japanese style plate and my friend did a celtic knot one. So fun! So fun!
Wow lilim that sounds really cool! I would have probably done something like that if I'd carried on with ceramics at college.
Thats SO COOL lilam! I wish I worked there! Whats the weirdest thing you've seen painted on there?
And shivi, no they didn't really audition me, but they did give us [I was interviewed with two other people] the little packet of our songs [they were songs made up by cold store] and we got to hear someone sing it once, and then we had to sing it... It wasn't to make sure we could sing [I think] but I think it was more about learning the songs
OK, SO weirdness today at work...
things that happened to me today
-I was cussed at in spanish by kids who thought I didn't understand them
-A little girl [around 5] took off her skirt and shoes and shirt and ran around the store
-A french woman told me that they have clothes in france [... her english was VERY bad, lol]
- I almost shot a few customers
WOOT! I have tommorrow off
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