Audrey Kitching Contest Help?

I really want to enter this contest, but i was wondering ....are we GIVING her our projects? (Like a swap.) Or is she modelling them, then mailing them back?
Just wondering, because some of my good stuff i really dont want to give up, or remake. lol
Someone please explain it to me before the contest ends on the 30th! O.O

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4 replies since 27th March 2012 • Last reply 27th March 2012

I imagine she'll send it back after. But your right that that part isn't very clear.

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hmmm, i guess i'll just choose stuff i can remake? oh well. Happy

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It might be worth messaging Cat/Crafterella - I admit I'd be put off it I thought I'd be sending something out and not getting it back.

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one of mine that i entered i gave away, so i would have to try to make another (if i won)

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