pretty kitties
Yay! I have my 1st Dr. Appt. on Dec 8th. Hopefully I get an ultrasound!
I CAN HAZ A RAT BAT!? pwwweeez? I feed her! pwomise!
Good Luck Tara, I'm sooo broody at the moment because of the babies at work, so many new borns, aaaaw *THROWS SMILES!*
*fangirl scream* I SAW THE NEW JAMES BOND MOVIE ON OPENING NIGHT!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates*
i saw my first james bond movie at 7, and until i was 10 i thought my dad was james bond.
then at 12 i had a crush on sean connery
AND i've seen all the movies.
im a little obessesed
Managascar II
Just saw it with 3 boys 5, 5, and 1. Fun Fun. I did like the opening animal massive seen. Move It!
I hate people who do not q right fucking vikings
I never mind watching bond films, apart from the old ones. I have a thing for sean connery lol!
I wanna see madagascar 2! the first one was ace...david swimmer as giraffe lolz!
now that all the leaves have fallen off one of our trees we can see the remains of a birds nest and from an upstairs window we can see eggs in it! it's too cold for babies, I think it was a collared doves nest I saw this pair always around it and I saw a baby in the summer, it's odd that the eggs are still intact even though there's no babies in them, they'll probably get eaten by a magpie.
people in queues turn nasty when they have to wait to long
I think Madgascar is racist. I am a white female and I got offended.
how come? I can't remember anything in the first one which offended me? Do you mean their accents and playing up to stereotypes?
yes, they played up to stereotypes bad. At one point Alex tells Mell? (the zebra) that he can't tell which one he is because the Zebras all look alike. Because in the moive they do they all look alike and talk alike. thats crack-a-lackin. I was like WTF?!
awww. I kinda liked it....
it's probably like a satire kind of joke...commenting on society maybe? they do slip these things in to these films for the adults.
I got to be more hands on at the dog training thing I go to and had to handle the dogs, I held their collars while their owners went to the other side of the room and then id let go and the dog would go to their owner. It wasn't as straight forward with all of the dogs so I had to grab some a couple of times and I shifted them forwards so they'd see their owners, no one told me to point them towards their owners I just kinda thought that was the point of the exersice, but the trainers said I did a really good job there was a new baby there, it was a springer spaniel and it was little and was really scared but got confident by the end of the session
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