shivi! missed u
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I am totally working on play-doh pictionary...one of my classmates made this for class last semester...the game i made is posted on here...but play-doh pictionary rocks....so I'm working on it to give it to my boy...and giving the instructions to sugar so she can give it to her daughters...I'm totally going blank on words...ahhh HELP....need...words...
...nothing too easy like banana or orange, because unless you have yellow or orange, that will take forever to guess what it is...although it might work...and nothing super hard that nobody will beable to guess because it is made out of playdoh!
*screams in agony!!!!!!!!!!!!*
...that is all. kthxbye. *blink*
yeah, i do love twilight. and i LOVE the movie
bite me
that will be all. *walks away calmly*
Mama Zoe needs to get better!
havn't seen twilight yet
Jas - thank you so much for that video
I'm going to austrailia in 2010, but I'm scared of bugs! SHIIIVIII SHIIIVIII HEEEELP, what do i do if there's a spider in our hotel room!? I can call you for help right!?
i was a goofball and tried to danced to some music while cleaning and I rawled up the big dog not meaning too and he came after me. lol...cant wait till the pain meds kick in so my ankle dont hurt.
Star likes it when I do tae bo...I usually grap her rope...but it usually fails to keep her from barking
I'm trying to get elected "most unique" at school.
Not a lot of people know me though because I'm a theatre/art/music kid, not the sports/cheerleading/school officer kid.
But a lot of people do know me as "tutu girl" or "bowling shoes chick" or "that one random girl with the dressing up and stuff", but they don't know my name :
And I've got HUGE competition. A girl named saturn reyes. She is skinny and pretty and has really amazing clothes. She is pretty unique as well.
I don't think I'm unique, but other people do so I figured that was the easiest thing for me to win.
I'm just glad a FEW people put me down as their candidate
Queenfairypants - Just kill it like any other spider.
Then stand up on the hotel bed and squeal like a girl, while doing the jibbly-spider-eeeww dance. You know the one.
but i don't like even killing 'regular' bugs, it takes me a while to get close to a regular spider or bug!!!! I think I would just do it with a spider in austrailia...I'll be on the look out all the time!!! I have done the jibbly-spider-eeew dance many times! If all else fails the boy will do it, it's his job after all!!!! Won't get many chances with a spider that jumps or can throw out its hairs eeew!
KT - she's doing it for attention, try to ignore her and she'll stop it, rona barks at us sometimes too when she wants attention rarely though, most of the time she will go and sit somewhere where we can't miss her like behind the television which is so dangerous so we have to give her the attention she wants to get her away from the wires!!! She is scared of the fire when we turn it on, down or off but I've been using body language techniques ive learnt recently and it stops her from going mad at it someone at work bought a load of new razors electric razors because their dog had chewed them up so I gave them some advice I heard from the lady who runs a dog training thing i go to, hard plastic toy they needed...aaannyways
i'd vote for you Dis.!! you are really original!!!
im original and different, right? please say i am. nobody else thinks i am :
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