
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

I didn't get the job Sad This market is crappy....I NEED A JOB *waaaah*

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(hugs kt) Happy

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I know how you feel KT, keep going you will get one soon!!!!

and then you do get a job and want to be unemployed again!

yep Tara, it's too pear shaped to not be a baby bump! teeehehehe aaaw. I'm worried about insulting fat people at work because a lot of customers are pregnant, or have babies, I just don't say anything incase they really are just fat lol. UUrgh my tummy hurts!

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just want to say I love u all

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I FIXED ITUNES!!! omg. iTunes has hated me for over a year. AND NOW I FIXED IT. YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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good job court!

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im so happay! ive been on itunes nonstop, updating my music and adding album art. its beautiful now :]. i made like...4 genius playlists almost immediatly. w00t! I ♥ music!

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I am excited for xmas. DEC 1 I'm putting the gifts out

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I've been neglecting CO+K for a week or so now as I've been super busy so just wanted to say a random HELLO to all of you Happy

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hey Lola miss u!

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I had an argument with my dad and got so upset my eyes are all puffy today! sorted now Happy

new Auf der Maur music! bought it off itunes! first time I've ever bought something off itunes!

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yay first time itunes!!! im at my dads house, just finished watching the crow, which is an AMAZING movie, and im having filet mignon for dinner. w00t!!

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lol ^^ hi everybody... well I eat japanese cake now ^^ yay.. And I try to use Trillian to talk to msn people.. but I don´t know exactly how to use it Happy ...

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filet mignon was yummay :]

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I'm drinking pineapple soda

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