
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

did Cat go M.I.A? Just notice there hasnt really been that many publishing on projects...I am getting antsy...must see new projects!!! aaaaaaaahhhh! Happy

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lol sug. I love to see the new projects too. I got one more to post myself

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oo! oo! OOO! how did I not see this before?!?!? I'm better at this than normal conversation Tongue my dog thinks she's a people and smells like bbq. my cat smells like old people and exhaust. he can climb up things, but can't climb down. I saw a really fat squirrel carefully make his way down a tree today at a restaurant. I think he's been nosing through their trash 'cause he had serious flabby arms and they weren't doin' him any good at gettin' down!

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Squirrels are scary. I was attacked by a group of squirrel. It was my fault though I took there nuts, and then took a nap in a hammock. Woke up to the sound of trees russeling thought it was the wind. It was not it was tons I mean tons of Squirrels. And the ring leader was yelling at me and shaking its tail at me. I grabbed the nuts and ran in the house.

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Hahahahaha. Well as I just told you Sug, my story is a true story.

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squirrels can be mean. I like 'em, though Happy one let me feed him at a park. I guess he was used to people and getting free food from them so he came right up to me at my picnic table to mooch my apple slices away from me. then I made the mistake of giving him a cookie (in case you were wondering - because I KNOW you were - it's almost the same as if you give a mouse a cookie) and he got demanding! he even tried to steal the wrapper from my hand! greedy little bugger... but so cute Tongue

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Cute? Never, squirrels are evil. Now chipmunks very cute.

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Squirrels throw nuts at my shed. .... *blinks*.

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you obviously have not seen these cute lil bubbies...

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omg *squee* those are sooo cute! lol.
My hubby found a baby squirrel last spring that fell out of its' nest and we nursed it back to health. I got to feed it with a syringe. SO cute. We took it to a squirrel shelter lady though. Two kids, two cats and a baby squirrel was a bit much.

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awww squirels

I saw a rabbit the other day

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Cat has gone to france I think.

When I was little I used to think chipmunks were baby squirrels lol I have seen only 2 squirrels this year, I don't see many at all, I was on a bus when I saw the 1st one and I was with my mum too and i suddenly said 'SQUIRREL!' the second one was just sat up on the pavement I was walking on infront of me staring at me and as we got closer it ran off. I don't think I've ever seen a red squirrel and they are so beautiful and all magical fairy like! You also get brown and black squirrels from some random gene they have. You also get black foxes but they are rare one was on the news Happy I also saw a woodpecker this year in our street, my mum saw it the 1st time it was here and it was on our fence but I was alseep Happy the time I saw it I couldn't see it's colours but I could tell it was one and it made such a weird noise!

I like nature and nanimals!

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me too! I want a kitty

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