
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

So I've been knitting this cardi on and off since about may and I left it under this trolly thing in my room and decided to move it yesterday. I moved it and there's a hole in it! Not just like a mistake but an actual hole! It's not that long but it's still annoying! I think it got snagged on the coily bit of my notebooks on the floor Happy

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awww, that sucks.

I just tie dyed alot of stuff

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I went to a dog training session! It was fun even though I didn't get to stroke all the doggies! There were lots of puppies Happy

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a guy I used to know got married and it was on the news because they had a gothic wedding!

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oh cool idea. A gothic wedding.

I just want to say BEEP.

Its random

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I dressed up yesterday as a ghots [white sheet with two holes in it] and everyone loved it.

Its such a cliche costume, but because its so obvious, no one ever does it anylonger. So I figured, why not revive this old lovable adorable costume, and be unique since obviously no one else would be wearing it.

It was a total hit, and me and my friend [who dressed as Marla Singer from Fight Club] are dressing like ghosts today to go trick-or-treating since older people hate when teens do the trick-or-treating thing, they wont know how old we are Happy And we are taking her little brother [13] so we look like his friends. Happy Awesome sauce.

I love my costume.

I can't understand why people don't try and come up with new GHOST ideas. Everyone has their own version of the witch, or the pumpkin, everyone comes up with creative takes on old costumes, WHY NOT THE GHOST! Happy

Awesome sauce.

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great idea, Ghost!!!

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urrmmmmmm i have fleecy jim jams with frogs on! ^^

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I has a cute puppy in bed with me.

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<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FnZdADI1wFI"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FnZdADI1wFI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

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I am bored...time for a random post...maybe I should work on my giant poster sized coloring book...or maybe i should sleep...or...i don't know...i'm bored...

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My bf and I got woken up at 5am this morning when our bed broke in half and I rolled off it.

NOT a nice way to wake up!

But really funny in retrospect.

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I just paied $90 for a new power adapter for my MAC...eeeeeeeep

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that happened to me once! well kinda, I got into bed and some of the panels snapped so half of the mattress was dipping! had to sleep on the mattress on the floor for ages until I got a new bed lol, I'd get a duvan type thing whatever they're called, wooden beds break and metal beds make too much noise!

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that happened to me once too

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