
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

I ♥ the sound of the rain at night, actually I ♥ the sound of the rain anytime, unless I am in it!

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I can't make a paper rose for the life of me! Happy

I seem to just kind of... not understand that Tut... ACK! lol

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shivi - I love the sound of rain too! it's nicer at night cuz you can hear it more.

I had some friends round and one of my friends was being picked up and people always think this is one house, her mum couldnt get in touch because her phone had died and her sister had come along to pick her up and knocked on next doors by accident and the lady swore at her!!

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I have never heard Amy Winehouse.
I am currently mildly obsessed with Apocalyptica. <3 badass cello music
and i hate my jooooob. (well, my job isn't too bad. just hate teh booosss...

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queenie- ppl are so rude, i hate really rude ppl-grrr.....

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I met a very rude man very late on saturday night, and because he was so rude and upset me so much i started hyperventilating. It was quite frightening, I just couldn't breathe normally, and I was crying at the same time. My boyfriend was really worried and was trying to make me stop, but the more he did the worse it got so he just had to ignore me in the end and it eventually went away, but like an hour later i'd occasionally get it back for a little bit. Boo to rude men!

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oh dear Roma!

One rude person incident I remember is when in my cooking class we were all handing in assigments. The assignments had several pages to them and some people didn't have plastic sleeves/pockets to put them in so the teacher had given us a stapler to pass round. As she called our names to check the role she got each person to give in their assignment as she got to their name. When she called this one girl's name, the girl just threw her assignment (which she hadn't stapled or put in a plastic sleeve) at the teacher, onto the table, whereas everyone else placed theirs and the sheets flew everywhere and the teacher was left to pick them up. You had to be there to know exactly what I mean but it was just super rude and the girl couldn't care less, it's the little things like that, that really annoy me.

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i hate those ppl who call you rude when really their being rude first for example ill be in the middle of writing an email or feeding the baby my husband will come up and interupt me befor im finished if im nice about it he will continue to aggrivate me but if i snap at him he,ll be like you dont have to be rude
it drives me crazy

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Wait! How old are you? I thought you were like 14! Your picture doesn't look old enough to have a husband...

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nah I think it does, I see how you could be mistaken, no offence corrie, probably the lighting Happy

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I have a husband! It's just not official, gah paperwork lol

I agree with Roma! You look really young!

I hate it when people call you a liar when you aren't lying! Like once in college I used to think the timetable said lunch time started 15 mins eariler then it actually said and then someone said 'no it's at this time, liar!' how is that lying!

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im an extreme geek but people dont believe it cause of the way i look.

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I was thinking about the whole geek thing the other day, I don't get why it's geeky to be into stuff Happy

I just stroked next doors cat for like the 2nd time ever, she's lovely and called Muffin, cats are odd they always run away! When she comes to me I think she thinks I have food because she licks my fingers, she couldn't figure out how to get through the gate I know from before if I open it she runs off, she sat there with her eyes glowing at me and rolled around a bit haha

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i just turned 22 on may 22nd but thanks i dont want to look old especially since i have threee kids lol
ive been married for only a yr though it is a challenge

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queenfairypants so your getting married huh
dont sign the papers get out while you can lol im just playing but marriage is alot of work especially if you have different religious views and opinions on how to raise children so i think befor anyone gets married those are good things to discuss `i was telling rena that me and my husband our from different urban cultures because he likes rap and i like pretty much all music but i lean more towards music i can rock out to its just a little thing but its a problem sometimes
oh cute story yesterday i was listening to a song i hadnt heard in awhile and i looked over at my three yr old and he was playing air guitar and rocking out it was cute
someone explain how to put pictures up on msg boards i dont understand it

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