
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

I got two ace tops today one with roses on one with swallows Happy I also got a load of underwear, I finally have a lovely (ahem sexy) bra and also a bra and knickers set how shameful a 19 year old who doesn't own at least one matching bra and pants set, well now I do!!!! I also got green tea with lemongrass (never tried green tea so thought bit of lemon will make it taste sweeter) and camomile tea Happy

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Yay my boyfriend ordered my red hair dye last night, so within the next few days it will arrive and I can be red again! I'm pretty excited, but I don't think I'm going to bleach it as much this time, don't want to ruin all my hair again...

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yaaay for fake red heads!

I got a cute little watercolour set today with proper blocks of watercolour but it doesn't shut properly so now I have to swap it for another one and I have to wait till next week! oh well, it's so cool though.

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I love green tea Happy

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i hate cleaning the kitchen! gah! anyone wanna trade places with me? lol

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i like the colour purple, may a bit to muchHappy

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so much that my nickname is Cupcake


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i feel retarded cause I cant fix the huge picture that i posted on the "inspiration" topic o.o...edit please lol

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GET OUT OF MY SOUP I love being around my little cousin [I'm 17 and he is 12] because he reminds me of how I used to be. When I was in 7th grade, I had a fan club Happy and I'm totally serious. I was so random, and so weird, people just kind of flocked to me [and I didn't know this then, but apparently the OTHER half of the school hated my guts... when I thought no one even KNEW me] and when I'm around him, I'm just totally random and immature. It brings back the lighthearted kid in me and randomly when we are talking about movies, or just laughing, I say "get out of my soup" and we just start crackin up I love it Happy he is a SEROIUSLY witty 12 year old too! I mean, he is ON THE BALL. I was reading the bible [I'm not christian, but I get attacked a lot by christians for being wiccan, so I have to read the bible to be able to defent myself] and my mom calls me a bible-thumper, so I tell her that I'll thump her with the bible [all in good fun btw, I love my mom, lol] and they start saying I'm using a religious knowledge for weapons and the little 12 year old gose "She's arming herself with knowledge" and it was just SO perfect, and fit, and so witty... lol I love that kid Happy

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haha that was a nice story, clever children scare me though. I feel really awkward around my cousins now when I used to always see them but now two of them have grown up a bit (8 and 10) and the last time I had seen them they were like 4 and 6 so. But with the eldest I really bonded with him and he liked me and so did his middle brother, but now they're older and didn't wanna know! to their youngest brother I must have seemed like a grown up! Another of my cousins whose 4 only started to talk and play with me after I'd stayed over night at my auntie's house and when I started to lift him up with my legs and drag him around the living room by his ankles! I like having cousins it's a bit like having brothers and sisters sometimes cuz I don't have any!

That fan club thing is funny! It's weird when you don't know what's being said about you that freaks me out! Like I liked this boy in school for a while then a few years later my friend said that he'd said he'd liked me too! I think about school now though and feel sick! It's like it never happened.

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lol. I know, cousins rule. I love all of my cousins [but I don't really LIKE all of them, lol] and I'm an only child too. Its fun to have little people to help mold.

Last time I saw Forest [the little cousin who has the biting wit.] before this past trip to New Orleans, he was all into baggy clothes, and rap, and being a "gansta". And now, he is a cute little metal-head hippie. And I also always say "thats how I be do", just because its fun. And now anytime he does something weird and I give him that glance, he says "what? Thats how I be do!". lol. Its amazing.

I kind of half-wish school really DIDN'T ever happen. But I suppose everyone's got to take the bad with the good, and I don't want to get rid of any of the good. Happy

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haha 'THAT'S HOW I BE DO!', me too about the school thing

someone just said 'hey look at this video' to me on msn so i clicked and it was this lovely scene with nice music of a car going down a country lane AND THEN A BIG SCARY FACE SCREAMED AT THE CAMERA. I literally jumped out of my chair and then told the person off!

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I wanted to say that Tesco value cheap instant noodles taste much better than their expensive counterpart, super noodles.

also, i got hot new project status on craftster, yay!


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ok so i was on YOUTUBE and was watching random stuff when i cane across the greatest video ever. it was "how to be a nerd" and i recomend that you watch it .

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I dyed my hair bright red too, it must be that time of year!

Well done Roma, that dress is awesome!

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