
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

i paid 19 bucks on a new ac adapter for my husbands toshiba laptop Happy i ebay it! the manufacters wanted 80 bucks and best buy's universal adapter was 110 bucks...yayaya i saved money Happy

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i just figured out how to install my wacom intuos tablet!! yay!

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great. I love my tablet

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I'm eating yoghurt and watching you tube videos haha!

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I was, but now watching True blood

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im watching Pirates 1

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I just made a flower from clay

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I took my meds and now i feel so great. zooooweeee!!!

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I think i lost my memory card thing for school. it was new. Happy i had it for like 1 week.

Oooh, my momma's gonna kill mehh. >.<
*hides under computer seat*

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memory cards aren't that expensive...walmart has them...and at least you didn't have tons of information on it....one of mine broke and it had IMPORTANT information on it...i am so sad!

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I'm starting my xmas shopping tomorrow lol

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So...I have this flashlight that is a cow...well...looks like a cow...i named her betsy...i got her for my 22nd birthday from my parents...I asked for it, because I saw some of them at camp while i was interning...and I was like those are cool! i want a cow one! So...I got a cow one....

....but....I WANT MORE!! LOTS MORE!! I want the pig..and tiger...and lion...and bear...and hippo...and zebra...and rhino...and elephant oh my!! All kinds!

...the pig would go best with my cow...my cow can go MOOOO and my pig can go OINK OINK when i turn the flashlights on...yes..they each make animal noises and their mouths open to use the flashlight...and betsy's eyes glow in the dark...like with glow in the dark paint!

So I am going to attempt to beg mom to buy me a pig...although chances are she will not find it...since e-bay says it is rare!

Then..when I get my pig flashlight I will ask for the thomas the train flashlight that goes toot toot when you turn it on!

I've gone into a cute flashlight frenzy!

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Sorry my picture of betsy was so big...i did not mean it!

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I have started my xmas shoping, my got my bf two shirts and a sweater so far

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