what do you love?

i love my boyfriend, fake flowers, the smell of winter, & frozen yogurt (:
well ladies? what do you love?

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10 replies since 28th January 2010 • Last reply 28th January 2010

I love tea, cheese, cake, frozen cherries, proper purple (as opposed to wishy washy lilac), the sound of the sea, losing track of time and a million other things that would fill the page=)

Oh and your avatar lol

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lol @ michelle

Tea, lazy days, the smell of newly cut grass, wine!! Loads of other things too!!!

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I love my boyfriend, nature, music and anime =]

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I love music, the summer, dreaming, my friends

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i love my fiance, felt, cool days, weekends, spring break, my family, my fish and co&k ^_^

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dance in the vampire bund

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I <3 my three nephews and my neice when she gets here!!!
and of course...
...CRAFTING!! By that I mean making and altering clothing...

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my hair,dreads,piercings,tattoos
crazy accessories
smoking and eating an apple at the same time
lazy mornings with my husband
cleaning with loud music
performing with my band
vodka with energy drink
and so much more...

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great answer @michelle!

I looooooove reading, yoga, chick flicks, hanging out with my friends on a sunny afternoon on the grass near the university, random one day trips to the beach, music, laughing, the sound of the wind, cool air, when I plant flowers and they grow, nature in general, my family, going to the mountains, stargazing, sitting under the rain, I really could just go on for hours with this...

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