Bloggidy Blog

So, I have a crafty loo blog on blogspot. I've had it for a couple of months now and I'm still trying to figure out how to do little things on it.

If anyone wants to add me that'd be great, I'd like to have some bloggin buddies. Happy

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22 replies since 26th January 2010 • Last reply 26th January 2010


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Add me Add me Add me

I'm so lonely *cries*

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I'm in the middle of trying to sort my blog out. I had a blog then I separated it into two blogs one for craft and one for general burbling and now I'm sticking them back together again. As soon as I've sorted it out and caught up I'll add you=)

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I am following you Happy

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YAY to bloggin buddies!!

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I'm following you now=) Now to stalk er I mean follow some of the other cut out and keepers=)

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I'm following you as well. My blog is:

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Im following if you wanna share the luf mine is

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yes yes, more more!!

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hey i need blog friends too ;) will follow you guys
mine is Happy

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im trying really hard to keep my update schedule, haha, the only reason i got it was to motivate me to work on crafts every week you know?

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i think I'm following all of you now. Cute stuff!!

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I'm following you all...mine is

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WOW great blogs i love them all and i'm now following Happy

here is my blog

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