September 2009
Nail Art 9th September 2009look at my nails! [IMG][/IMG] same on the other hand
I had to use tipex for the white tips LOL getting some proper french manicure stuff soon though. For the paw prints I just dotted the big bit with the end...
1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago -
cool basic sewing projects? 9th September 2009Hello all. i'm new to the boards so it's nice to meet you all and I apologize in advance for the long post. i'm wondering if anyone has some ideas for some basic sewing projects (i'm fairly new to it) I have a bunch of fabric I picked up in a sale and while I have some stuff...3 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Zombie Makeup Tutorial 6th September 2009I only did a video version of this and wanted to put it on here for anyone that was interested in applying zombie makeup for the zombie walk this October/a zombie costume this Halloween. You can check it out on youtube: replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Cookies!^^ 3rd September 2009Hi everyone! I just wanted to ask if i should put another recipe of great sugar/butter cookies on this site?0 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
August 2009
Xmas gift! 30th August 2009Hi everyone! are u already working on something to give as xmas gift? I'd like to give my girl frinds small baskets with lip balm and bath bombs in different scents and shapes (i've bought heart, flower, star and fish shaped moulds, fish shaped ones are defenately my favourite...7 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
CALLING ALL SEWISTS! 20th August 2009I just found the funnest tutorial on making a romper/playsuite!!! I'm just learning to sew on a machine and it seems like a great beginner project! I'm sure most of you are skilled at this whole 'making clothes' thing and can help! So, I have 3 questions... 1. How do I measure...2 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Japanese modeling clay- Does anyone know it's North American counter part? 19th August 2009I love japanese crafts. I recently bought on etsy the most awesome book ever on how to make cute adorable kawaii sweets from Japan. I have been for the last little while creating my own cute little treats out of Fimo,however I feel like the clay they use for these crafts seems...0 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
ric rac 15th August 2009Does anyone know where I can buy patterned ric rac?0 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Glitter 13th August 2009Hi there just after some advice really. I want to put glitter onto a canvas shopper bag and i wondered if anyone has had great success with any kinds of glitter? Is it best to put fabric glue down first, cover with glitter, then shake off excess. Or has anyone tried the...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
how to make an unboned corset pattern? 10th August 2009after searching for a few days all i can find are links to threadbanger who have got rid of the instructions for making their valentines corset pattern so i was wondering if anybody could tell me how to do it?? thanks =)3 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
craft business license? 9th August 2009im parting with the site i use to have my store on, and im getting ready to put it up on another. but while researching different things ive realized i might be selling illegally?!?! uh-oh!!! im only selling online really, and from home for family and friends. do i still need...3 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Art Class 6th August 2009I miss my high school art class and i am looking forward to taking an art class next semester. My favorite part of art class was that the teacher liked me(most days),all that paint, the fun with pottery and santa haha, the slimy paper mache, and decorating our door for...6 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
July 2009
Shorts from T-shirts 30th July 2009Let me start by saying that I'm an "older" woman (with a daughter in college) so maybe this isn't a problem for others, but I made my first pair of shorts from one of my husband's old t-shirts. BTW, I'm thrilled to find this place. I've sewn all my life and so excited to "let...0 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Crochet 30th July 2009I've just discovered crochet. I've been trying to do a circle but it keeps coming out like a hat for my thumb. It looks nice and neat but not really what I was going for. Any suggestions where I'm going wrong? Also any ideas for simple projects?11 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
HALP! Resizing a paneled top 27th July 2009I just picked up a PVC paneled top, but it's too big. I want to resize it to make it fitted. I've seen a lot of tutorials about resizing large, loose shirts, but nothing helpful to my problem. Does anyone have any helpful hints or links? Keep in mind; it's PVC, so I can't be...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
steampunk inspired 25th July 2009hey guys, me and my boyfriend are thinking about making steampunk outfits for our steampunk inspired d&d campaign any ideas10 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
New to Knitting 25th July 2009Hi all, I want to take up knitting this summer before I get back to college for two reasons: One, it'll be good to give my hands something to do in class/chapel/whatever so that I can better concentrate, and Two, I go to college in New York, during snow season. What would be...6 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
CALLING MAKERS, ARTISTS, CRAFTERS 24th July 2009The Make and Mend Market (formerly Star and Shadow Market) based i Newcastle Upon Tyne has been running for 18 months on a bi-monthly basis and has been a great success. We are now running the event once a month and are looking for designers, quality 2nd hand/vintage traders,...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
hand sewing 21st July 2009i have no idea how to hand sew but im pretty good with a sewing machine. any tips for how best to hand sew? and, personally, do you think hand sewing or machine sewing is better? thanks!14 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Mates Cake ideas? 21st July 2009Well, its my bbf's birthday on the 29th and my other BBFs is on 30th and I'd to make them cakes. The ones birthday on the 30th is sorted, red vevlet cupcakes I think. But the other mate.... I LOVED the domo cake but she doesnt know who he is so I cam up with...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
Hand-Sewing Question! 16th July 2009Hey, everyone! I'm back to plushie obsession only this time I'm making them for my the past I had always sewn them with some strange stitch that I'm sure has an actual name but I certainly don't know it and when I'd turn my plushies right-side out the stitches always...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
Pyrography 15th July 2009I'm getting a pyrography tool next week and I was wondering if anyone else uses these and has any tips on how to use them and what you can use them on?5 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Tattoo HELP!!!!! 14th July 2009Can someone PLEASE!!!! help me design my tattoo???? I am turning 20 on the 24th. I plan on getting a tattoo; I want the name 'Jehovah Jireh' this some sort of feminine celetic design surrounding it/as a background. Possibly a cross and the phrase "All that I need" in it as...6 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
felt applique on a t-shirt 13th July 2009I want to make a felt applique t-shirt for my friends baby, but am worried about the stitching on the back. I was going to stick the pieces on and sew for extra support. Any suggestions would be great!1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
Wanting to revamp my wedding dress??? 12th July 2009I have been married for coming up on 4 years and my wedding dress has been in the closet since I got married and I've been thinking that I'd might wanna revamp it...only problem is I can't think of a way that I wanna alter it....So Any ideas would be awsome! I'm trying to post...3 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
HAMA / PERLER... help please? 9th July 2009Hello lovely crafty peeps! I am really new to using fuse beads and I am having a bit of a melting crisis... I seem to create my little masterpieces with HAMA beads on the peg board, then it seems to go pear shaped when it melts unevenly - I hate it when the hole disappears...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
Hairdye&piercings. 9th July 2009In 102 days ,octber 19th, im getting my munroe pierced. So I wanted to know, if i hurts alot, and how much it would cost. also , i might be dying my hair black,& im not sure if i'll look to , gross, or weird. Since my skin is sorta tanned. Im Also looking for 'scene' makeup...4 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
help me dye my hair 4th July 2009i have dyed blonde(not bleached blonde) 2 foot long hair and want desperately to dye the bottom layers pink. do i still have to bleach that part of my hair or can i dye it over the dyed blonde hair i already have. help me please. sally beauty supply said i needed to strip it...2 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Tattoo drawings or ideas 4th July 2009Seeing as how some of you are good at drawing I pitch these ideas to you (if you are welcome to embrace them): 1) Pikachu Tattoo - My friend loves pikachu and a really cute and different Pikachu tattoo would be appreciated 2) Black Cat or Piano Keys Tattoo: I want to get...6 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
June 2009
Jeans into Overall-ish Dress? 29th June 2009Hye guys, so i was totally inspired by GreenLove's How-to of turning jeans into a skirt/dress thing, heres the link i was TOTALLY head over heels inlove with the idea, but i'd like to see if there are any other simillar...1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago
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