hand sewing

i have no idea how to hand sew but im pretty good with a sewing machine. any tips for how best to hand sew? and, personally, do you think hand sewing or machine sewing is better? thanks!

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14 replies since 21st July 2009 • Last reply 21st July 2009

Sewing machine is definitely better. But since I haven't quite figured out my sewing machine and actually broke it on accident.... I prefer hand sewing, even though it takes decades to complete anything.

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Machine sewing, hands down.

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Machine sewing defiantly... I am too lazy to use had sewing! ;)

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It depends what you're sewing. For larger things such as bags and clothes I'll go for the machine straight away without a second thought, because it gives you a stronger, neater finish, but for small items like plushies I'll hand sew because you get more control over the smaller scale.

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It depends what mood I'm in. I would definitely agree that in terms of speed, strength and finish machines win hands down. In spite of that I do love hand sewing. You can just sit with it on your lap with some music on and gently sew away. I find it very relaxing.

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I agree with what most people said, particularly Arty KitKat, machines are faster, stronger and probably the best way to sew most items, but sitting down with some sewing with some rocking music playing in the background is my idea of pure bliss. What Izzy said, I also agree with in the fact that smaller items are better hand-sewn and larger items, machine sewed.

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this might sound dumb. but how do you hand sew? just the basic stitch or what?

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There are different stitches you can do by hand, though I can't really explain what they are. Google it, I love google...the one search engine that has paid much tribute to most of my know-how.

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same here thats how i found this site lol thanks

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i agree with everyone- it depends on what you are making. a machine gives a much stronger uniform stitch. so if i am making a larger plush toy that is going to greatly played with i use the machine. smaller plush, for older kids or decoration, i like to hand sew. there are a lot of different stitches. i bet you can find cool tutorials for hand sewing on online, or even pick up a book at your library.

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Sewing machines create uniform seams... but I'm always better satisfied with the outcome when I hand sew. I think maybe it's because I put more effort into hand sewing.

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i hand sew for fine detailing or on my bellydance costumes. Its hard work

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I handsew all of my plushies. It's sort of relaxing and you feel more accomplished when you finish, even though it takes ten times as long as a machine. Plus, I like watching TV while I sew. Happy

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I used both hand sewing and machining.Spent 6/12 without a machine found it really hard.If you want to learn to sew simple cross stitch patterns can get you in the rhythm of stuff.Now I free bead a lot which is really hard to do on a machine.

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