
In 102 days ,octber 19th, im getting my munroe pierced. So I wanted to know, if i hurts alot, and how much it would cost.
also , i might be dying my hair black,& im not sure if i'll look to , gross, or weird. Since my skin is sorta tanned.

Im Also looking for 'scene' makeup tips , for green eyes.

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4 replies since 9th July 2009 • Last reply 9th July 2009

Anyways, tips on dyeing your hair black, because I've seen it done wrong SO MANY TIMES.
Okay, unless your hair is naturally pretty dark (like, dark brown/close to black) DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT go pitch black without any lighter undertones. It looks cheap. If your hair is lighter, like light brown and higher, get some medium brunette highlights underneath so it looks more natural. It'll look better, I promise Happy
Also, black hair shouldn't look bad with a tan, because I have some friends with black hair and tans and it looks fine...just be sure to remember highlights!

I hope I helped! I'm sure it'll look great Happy

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My friend got her Monroe done recently and said it didn't hurt much when she got it done (she does have about 15-20 other piercings though, so she may just be used to it). But she plays with the backing now without realizing it, and then it swells up and hurts. As for how much it costs, depends on where you go. I think it cost her about 50 or 60 bucks, so make sure you really want it before you get it. Also make sure you won't just have to take it out again in year when you get a job somewhere that doesn't allow facial piercings.

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With any oral piercing (monroe, tounge, labret) there is risk of damage to the teeth and gums. I currently have 17 piercings. I had my tounge pierced once but removed it because as much as I hated to admit it, my dentist was right: it was doing damage to my teeth. It didn't even help when I switched to an acrylic barbell. I was chewing on it without realizing it and chipped a few teeth.

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Going compleatly black is not advised, I'd go for a VERY dark brown tone, that will work just as well. Going darker should be ok for you moreso since you are tanned, not pale. Pale people should DEFINATLY NOT dye their hair too dark, unless they are going to that gothicy look. Brown Youtube for scene and gothicy make up tutorials, I've found some good one's and it gives you the visual tutorial to follow.

I have no idea how painful getting a monroe pierced is, I also have no idea what the hell a monroe is (excuse my ignorance)

I'd love to dye my hair kinds bright red and I'm naturally dark. Does anyone have any tips for me? Thinking about using henna??

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