How to organize my bedroom??

Umm I have A LOT of stuff! I'm such a hoarder i don't want to throw anything away! I just need to throw stuff out but I'm so attatched to everything! PLEASE HELP!

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3 replies since 21st December 2011 • Last reply 21st December 2011

Oooh I have the same problem! And it seems as though every time I talk myself into throwing something away, I end up needing it a few days later.

I love the different size clear plastic tubs and boxes. They stack easily, you can see what's in them without opening them, and they even have some that are made to fit right under the bed. That's where I have to store a lot of my crafting materials now! I also use corkboards (you can paint the wooden frames with a cute pattern, if you want) to keep track of small papers/reciepts/anything you might need to find later.

This site has tons of products/ideas for organizing:

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I am having the same problem but hoarding is too good to give up ;) I've been saving some of the packaging from xmas presents like I got a camera and I'm saving the cardboard box from inside it and painting it and using it to keep maybe beads or sequins in as my craft shelf is overflowing and sooo messy so for me boxes is the way forward! tkmax have really cute shoe box sized ones that i'l addicted to buying if you're in the UK they're like £4ish xxxx

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They say a good way to start is to look around.... take out everything you have gone an entire YEAR without using (this ensures there are no "I might use that during Christmas" problems) and take it out of the space. You can put things in a bag set them outside and call a charity to pick it up if letting go is hard Happy Im an OCD organizer at times. Shelves and plastic tubs are amazing options too. Good luck!!

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