Anyone into Holistic Healing? Aromaherapy? Reiki? Crystal healing?

Is anyone here into any of that stuff? my family is extremely spiritual and into white magic, talking to angels, spirit guides, past life regression, tarot card reading, astral projection. I just currently started with aromatherapy and crystal healing and it's really fun, any tips, tricks, how tos, info, magazines or books to read? any and all knowledge would be helpful. thanks!

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13 replies since 5th April 2012 • Last reply 5th April 2012

I try to only use alternative medicines instead of pills. I use aromatherapy and crystal healing every day and I am learning reiki. I bought myself a pocket guide for aromatherapy which I always use =]

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That's greattt! i bought like two aromatherapy books today and i have the crystal bible 1 & 2 and i'm hoping to get the aromatherapy bible Happy

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I still want to get myself the crystal bible! I've been researching properties of the crystals on the internet and memorised most of them, but I get confused sometimes so I want a complete book so it's easy to check

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The crystal bible is EXTREMLY helpful i have 2 and i take them along with my aromatherapy books everywhere! Are you into candles as well?

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I qualified a few years back in holistic massage, deep tissue massage and Indian head massage and love them all. I have long standing mental health issues, and although the medication definitely helps, I find massage so good. It helps reduce my anxiety, helps me sleep better and helps with the agitation I get at night. I also find Indian head/holistic massage techniques good for stress headaches, and tend to use aromatherapy oils regularly for things like spots, colds, over-dyed dry hair and muscle tension.

I got an excellent book on aromatherapy called 'Aromatherapy blends & remedies' by Franzesca Watson - its got some excellent advice and loads of recipes. Mines completely knackered as I use it so much Happy I also have the Crystal Bible and its a brilliant little book although I've never had much joy from crystal remedies they are beautiful and magical to hold and look at.

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I do not use candles that much except the aromatherapy candles =] My room is full of candles though because I think they're pretty

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@ Arty: That's one of the main reasons i got into it so much is because i have bipolar disorder and i'm tired of all the medication and it's side effects. I will definitely look that book up i want everyone i can find! haha

@Rawr: I heard you're supposed to use the colored candle that goes with what aromatherapy recipe you used to make it more powerful, and i love candles as well Happy I mainly just get the plain colored ones write my full name, birthdate, and what i want the candle to be used for. Happy

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I did a one day course in reiki so I'm a level one which means I'm allowed to practise it but not charge. there is another course i can do which is 2 days which would allow me to charge for sessions, then a 3rd course which is a few months which would make me a master and allow me to teach others.
I would like to be an holistic animal healer, but it costs so much to get the training/qualifications.
I feel that reiki only works if people believe in it as they have been accustomed to not believing in things that are not their norm, whereas animals feel the energy that people produce, whether it is healing energy, fear or calmness.
personally, i can't perform reiki for very long when standing as a combination of the channeling and my dodgy body makes me feel faint after about 10 minutes and i need to move to get circulation back, have some cold water and a breather. unpractised, it drains me more as i am not used to doing it.

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My aunt is going to teach me reiki since she's a reiki master and charges for her work haha.
If it's something you're really interested in though you should totally go for it!
Yeah it is hard for people to believe in holistic healing i feel like only certain people were born with the gift to do it.
That used to happen to my aunt she always gets really tired and thirsty after especially when she does exorcisms but once you get practicing more and more you get used to it.

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yeah i really want to do it but since i have no money, i cant afford to do any courses that are over a couple hundred ££, and i dont want to get into debt for it as ive been careful about that for uni. also im trying to move out so im looking for jobs in an area not near me, its all hectic.
one thing i have found is that if i try to practise reiki on myself it doesnt work, but other people doing it to me does work.

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I love holistic therapies, and would really like to find a crystal therapy school or training program. I have always been drawn to rocks and crystals, and once had an amazing crystal reading in Europe. =)

I also graduated massage school last year, where we got to dabble in a bit of everything, so that was nice too!!

Am very interested in psychic awareness, fairies, meditation (though I've not learned to concentrate yet!), angels, tarot and oracle cards (I find I do better with oracle), runes, etc. I'm not a master of anything, but I do like to dabble, and would love to find a proper teacher!!

My trouble I think, is that I doubt myself too much, which gets in the way! I am also part of a group that does paranormal investigations, and we are very open minded!

I might be moving to England for a while at the end of the year, so am hoping to find some teachers on that side of the pond! Sadly, where I live now is in what we call the 'Bible Belt' where new age things are taboo and whatnot. We always laugh and say one day we'll be tarred and feathered. LoL. Ah well!!

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Ive been really trying to educate myself on all the topics your talking about also @Little Miss Kupkake<3 i suffer from depression and am recovering from an eating disorder so mediating and holistic health has played a huge role in my recovery ...

ive read a few books on crystal healing, angel therapy, a little on rieki but i feel like im at a halt on where to go next... are there any books or techniques, websites, or any business of any kind that may help me get on the right track

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I'm into herbalism. Everywhere I go, I'm always slowing down or i just stop and really look and study each of the weeds, flowers, and trees. I consider myself a spiritualist with an interest in magik.

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