So i have a real passion for writing...

I've always loved reading and writing since i was younger and besides owning my own bakery someday i also plan on having some career in writing but i'm stuck right now, i want to find a better way to get known or to get my name out there so i'd like to ask you guys for some ideas on what to write about or for any websites that could lead me in the direction i'm looking for. Any questions, comments, or concerns are welcomed to be discussed, thanks in advance! Happy

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3 replies since 27th March 2012 • Last reply 27th March 2012

One place to start is just submitting poetry to magazines, like the nation and the New Yorker, and other mags that print reader poetry. The address to send it to is usually in the index or somewhere.
What type of stuff do you like to write? Poetry? Stories? Books? News articles?

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Start by getting yourself in local writing groups, there's usually several writers workshop groups in cities. I'm part of a group that meets monthly and is sponsored by a publishing company. I felt pretty honored that they invited me to join. But I know I've run into other writers workshops at bookstores, coffee shops, small mom and pop places with a work space.

Next you might want to check out websites like,

They send you emails on tips and tricks to writing and getting published, as well as podcasts for workshops and advice from agents and such.

Then you need a writers bible. Mine is called Creating the Story, by Rebecca Rule and Susan Wheeler. It's a guide for writing. You might also want to pick up a St. Martin's handbook which is good for grammar. Also every year there are updated versions of publishers market books. Literally lists of every publisher out there, their criteria for submissions, their addresses, what they publish, ect.

They also have books that will walk you through the publication process. What you need before submitting your work (which is a lot more than you think). A lot of publishers require agents, resumes of published work, a first page manuscript, a cover letter etc and a self-stamped return envelope for when they reject your work. Which is very common. I think they break down I saw a couple weeks ago from an agent is that out of over 2 thousand submissions they only pick around 9 new clients to take on so be prepared to hear a lot of rejection.

Next you'll want to start writing. Write everything, write every day, write as often as you can. Then go back and re-write, weed out your week and abstract thoughts and start building a strong foundation. And also read, read whatever it is you want to write because it will teach you how to write. And see if there are any creative writing classes in your area or classes that focus on the specified genera or style of writing you want to do.

Writing is a tough buisness and it takes a lot to understand the buisness and how it works. You really have to market yourself as a product and you have to have a thick skin because you're going to get feedback, critism and rejection and you're going to see it happen a lot. But if you keep knocking on doors, one of them is bound to open sometime.

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i just like to write about my life mainly and the daily occurences that happen but i do write poetry as well, thank you for all of that info that is EXTREMELY helpful i will get right on that! Thanks soooo much!

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