Tricks you never knew

19 replies since 17th November 2013 • Last reply 17th November 2013

- If you want to speed up the ripen of a mango put it in a bag with a banana and leave it this way overnight.
- To keep chopped fruits from getting brown, sprinkle them with lemon juice or vinegar.
- Add a few grains of uncooked rice to salt to prevent it from getting moist.
- Breath through your mouth and not through your nose when chopping onions. You will water less. (This doesn't really work for me, I even get irritated eyes from chopping leeks.)

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Avocados can be used as a substitute for butter Happy My friend made some brownies using this and to be honest, the tasted a lot better and were very rich.

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Wow! You'll have to get the recipe from her for me because I've been looking for a good brownie recipe for a while now and I think I could really impress my in laws wit acacado brownies!

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This doesn't really have anything to do with eating, buuuut if you roast a thick beet slice for 3-5 minutes at 325-350 degrees, you can use it as lipstain and cheek stain.

Also, coconut oil is a really good subsitute for many things, such as butter, olive/vegetable oil, and sometimes shortening. If you're deep-frying or stir-frying sweeter foods, use coconut oil in your pan to give it a beter taste than olive or veggie oil.

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Just a caveat on the coconut oil comment, switching from olive or other lighter vegetable oils to coconut comes with a price... Coconut is a fully saturated fat, and as such promotes the production of the 'bad' type of cholesterol that promotes higher risks of heart disease and stroke.

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