vegetarian chit chat

26 replies since 23rd February 2011 • Last reply 23rd February 2011

I also make mayo, ranch, sour cream, egg salad, cheesecake, and alfredo with it. Basically if I want tofu I just want it scrambly, though. Like, I brush on a little bit of olive oil on a non-stick pan with some garbanzos and let them sit until they burn a little, 'cause that's how I like it best. Then I add spices and soy sauce and stir and it's done and super nomz, imo. I also add it to rice when I need to use some up.

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Mmmm I love tofu!

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I like fried bean curd

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Ah man Emily W's most is making hungry! I had to google garbanzos, that's the same as chickpeas right? Sounds really tasty. I need more staple dishes like that. I got one of those quorn recipe books in the post and a lot of stuff is good, but most recipes have far too many ingrediants for a student budget. The tortilla stack is amazing tho, basically a lasagne but with chilli and tortillas instead of pasta.
I really want to get out of the habit of using fake meat tho and try something new.

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oooh chickpeas

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i like to put a shit ton of almonds across a baking pan and cover then with olive oil and rosemary and salt and red pepper flakes. bake about 15 mins. at about 300. Sooooo delicious.

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never tried that, sounds good

noming on carrot cake right now

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I don't like tofu. I will ea it in hot and sour soup and deserts that's about it. The texture gets me every time. :S
If anyone needs some new recipes check my projects out I have quite a few vegetarian and vegan.

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Man, that tortilla stack sounds awesome. Love tortilla casserole type things. I haven't found a chili recipe I like yet, though. Happy Love enchiladas, though. Usually just make the filling and mix rice into it 'cause it's cheaper. Sooo not as good, but sometimes if I have tortillas I'll tear up a few and put them in. Nomz up the wazoo.

And omg, red pepper flakes on almonds sound amazing. Red pepper flakes on anything is, imo. I totally go overboard with them and no one will eat what I make 'cause it's too spicy. :x

And hella the same as chickpeas. My faaave. 8)

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I just tried vegi tortilla chips, and yum

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my night time snack, a sunrype fuit bar and hot coca

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I mostly make everything with indian/asian ingredients too.

Rawr: I also make veggie stirfry with sweet chili sauce! XD Thats my go-to recipe cuz its so quick/easy. I usually chop up whatever veggies i have on hand,add noodles with it, and soy/teriyaki sauce also.

I dont like most faux-meat things. The texture grosses me out (too close to real meat blegh). The only thing i really eat are vegan hotdogs. I cut them up and put them in EVERYTHING. lol Most of them are smokey flavored (which is SOOO good). I recently put it on top of pizza. *drools*

I made that cold pizza too in high school cooking class. lol XD

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