Had to shave all my hair off :(
So the other day I found this huge mistake the last girl who cut my hair made, and I had to shave my head down to 1" to get it all even.
I don't know what to do with it! I was working so hard to grow my hair out into pigtails and now they're gone.
What should I do? I miss my longer hair and don't like the way it looks on me now that it's super short. =/
Does anyone know of any cute things to do with super short hair?
You could try a nice head scarf with some dangly earings. I have a friend who lost her hair and she wears a slouchy hat when its cold and always looks cute.
If you really miss your hair how about a wig. Some of the brightly coloured ones that people use for cosplay are pretty awesome.
A wig might not be so bad if I can find one. I have no idea where to get one though.
I'll look into head scarves Thanks for the suggestions!
My hair is currently short, and orange- because I'm in the process of going blonde. So I've been wearing my hair up in a turban- something I've been doing for the past 10 years. I made a video on how to do it a couple years ago- but going back and watching it- it took forever to get to the part where I actually show how to do it- I apparently had a lot to say. I also used a silk scarf in the video and I prefer a cotton scarf because it holds better without using safety pins or anything.
Anyhow, if you're interested it's here- http://la-bouilloire-noire.blogspot.com/2010/11/turban-how-to.html Just fastforward to 3:15 and you'll skip all the jabber.
There are some very cool wigs out there - I got a navy blue one recently as I fancy having blue hair again but without all the work. I like the idea of wearing a headscarf with big earrings. I think the hardest bit of having short hair is feeling feminine but thats when make up and jewellery come in handy. Also the little tiny hair grips which you buy for children work well in short hair as do the tiny bulldog clippy things (can't think what the name is). You can also play around with colours and different products when its short. I loved how Sarah Harding (Girls Aloud) had her hair when it was short. Also Michelle Williams looks incredibly feminine. The other thing with having v short hair is it seems to grow really quickly. I don't think it actually grows any faster but you notice it much more. I found this when I was looking for a pic of Sarah H and it also has a load of other famous women with short haircuts. http://www.dhaircut.com/short-hairstyles/women-short-hairstyles-pixie-cuts/#more-251 and this pic

This is what it looks like now:
<img src='https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/903176_10151343010513091_1080011060_o.jpg'>
I've been brushing it forward to kind of reestablish the bangs I had. I'm going to be making some bandanna style headbands this week I think, so I can cover the back of it and just style the front a little.
I'm sorry
I had a bad hair cut experience too.... my hair was long and I wanted to put layers in. The woman literally took half my hair a cut it about ear high and left the under layer long. I had to chop it all to even it out and it took forever to grow back. I sobbed and felt super vein but it's hard when you don't have much choice in the way your hair looks.
It's better that you cut it and fixed it rather then lived with a bad cut... my sister cut her hair too short once and started wearing scarf wraps and thick knitted or crocheted head bands. It looked super cute and bo-ho. You could also try fun hair clips and bows that can make your look special since you can't style much.
I remember having a really bad perm once - my sister did it with a home perming kit and the curls in the back dropped out almost immediately and the front of my hair went really really curly - kind of bubble curls. I ended up having to get it done again at the hairdressers but it didn't suit me at all and wasn't what I wanted but the hairdresser seemed to think it was a better option than cut it all off or cut the curly bits off.
The bo-ho style doesn't really work for me, but I'm definitely going to experiment with clips.
I seem to be stuck in a vicious cycle of finally getting my hair to be about shoulder length, then it either gets messed up by a stylist or I shave it all off because it's too hot. I was finally getting used to having longer hair and I was enjoying my pigtails. v.v
I have been there, Monika...my hair was growing out, and I had just gotten into the pigtail/ponytail stage, when I made the mistake of trying to trim my bangs myself while not realizing I was having a bad day...the next afternoon I went to my stylist to fix it and it wasn't worth trying to save. This has actually happened more than once, so I'm constantly in that inbetween stage of growing out and my hair is short but instead of cute, it looks like crap. I have to do extra things to make myself seem more feminine, because it really is aggravating when I get comments about looking like a dude.
So, head scarves...bandanas...headbands...clips. I use all those. I also recommend amping up other aspects of your style if you're not feeling good about your hair.
Let me sort through my links I have in my bookmarks folder. I've got some for different hair accessories and the like that will work with your hair, since mine looks similar to yours.
ETA: These are two of my best links. First is for a square-ish scarf into a hair wrap, no sewing required.
Next is for three different turban-type hair wraps that you sew. I find that the instructions were hard to follow in the format the author used, and I had to correct some parts in my notes for the tutorial. If you're interested in doing one of those, I can transcript my notes for you. :} Just let me know in a message. Here's the link:
Good luck! Also, if you find you need support/encouragement/ideas for what to do with your hair when it gets frustrating, message me. We seem to be in the same boat, at least with our hair.
If you're interested in crochet headbands: I love the ones on this website:
Theres a purple and a came coloured one. I've made them both and they both came out great.
Thanks for the links, all
I think I'm going to start with some blank headbands and make use of some scarf-life fabrics and maybe even some old men's tie scraps I have and go from there.
I'm contemplating dying my hair a different color, something that might look better than blonde for the time being, but I don't know what. Darks aren't doable since they're so hard to remove... maybe a strawberry blonde? Or maybe just bright white? Hm...
Tee hee; that's why I did dreads.... no fussing with anything except keeping all the hair knotted together.... ahh no cutting, gelling, drying and no! straitening!
I don't think I would look good with dreads, lol. I was always tempted to go for it when I was younger, though.
As a side note, I tried on some of my wider headbands today and I think I found a style that might suit me for a while until my hair grows back some more!
Ooh! Dreads are awesome!,
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