Piercing s
I was thinking to pierce my ears. Where do you get yours pierced? I think it's kind of late turning thirteen now and I always think about my ears split after the piercing. So any thing for starters?? And I think I'll need solutions for ears swelling just in case my ears are allergic to cheap metal
I got mine done at Claire's, lol They were really professional and safe about it, so that's where I would recommend (if you have any near you).
Go to a professional piercer. Mall stores and kiosks only use piercing guns, which can't be sterilized properly. Professionals that work at designated piercing/tattoo places have sterile equipment for each customer. It's more expensive, but every piercing is worth having done right.
Plus, going to a professional, you won't have to worry about getting cheap earrings because they all use surgical steel. Mall stores like Claire's and Piercing Pagoda don't often carry high quality jewelry, and the piercers usually don't have any training... getting a bad ear piercing can lead to cauliflower ear, which can only be fixed through cosmetic surgery.
Also, I thought you said you were only 10 years old a couple months ago?
I should add: professionals give you jewelry that allows the piercings to swell without getting trapped between the front and back of the earring. Mall places usually pierce with studs and put the backs on too tight, which can lead to infections, and some people I've known in the past (a friend from college a couple years back, and a high school friend) have had the skin of their ear start to grow around the big part of the mall jewelry, and they had to get the earrings surgically removed. Professionals in piercing and tattoo parlors will use rings that are the same size all around, and they're easy to move and clean properly.
Sea salt solutions are typically the only aftercare you'll need, and they're easy enough to make at home.
I have 12 ear piercings, most of which I did get in a mall, and I had a lot of healing issues with most of them because the jewelry mall stores use is just horrible for fresh piercings. The other 4 non-ear piercings I have were done at a professional place and they hurt less and healed faster than anything I ever got done in a mall... So I'm going to have to say go to a professional, because you won't regret it.
^^^ I'm in agreement with Monika. I have 9 in my ears, several of which I got done at a mall store. I have an issue with swelling, and though they (the store) did everything they were supposed to, the mall studs slowed healing and caused complications with my swelling. My first piercings in my ears I got done around age 13 too, and I had to take them out, let them heal and pierce them again, because of issues with studs. The others in my ears, and my other non-ear piercings, were done at a professional piercing parlor and the healing process went much much smoother. And it is a much more sterile environment (the piercing place I go to looks like a hospital room with graphics on the walls).
Thanks now I just hope I find some professionals to get mine pierced so you say that piercing guns may cause swelling?
Oh and I just found out that I'm eleven from Nepali date, twelve from the Korean (I have no idea how..that's what my dad says) and thirteen from english
And lol I have no idea why Nepal has different date
Lol I didnt even realize that I was following the Nepali date..get confused sometimes
. . . I feel stupid but anyway lets get over with it
No worries. Different dates make sense.
And yes, piercing guns can not only cause swelling (they put the jewelry on way too tight), but if the person using it hasn't cleaned it enough, it can spread blood diseases from person to person. Since piercing guns can't be sterilized, it's very easy for them to transmit germs and viruses.
Piercing professionals might be harder to find at first but when you find a piercer that does a good job, you'll be glad you did.
My last 3 piercings were done by the same guy and soon I'll be going back to him for two more. I guess that's just customer loyalty though because he did an awesome job and made me feel comfortable, even when I had a needle through my upper lip for my medusa, lol.
*shivers* blood diseases??! Wow this is a lot more serious than I thought
Okay thanks
Yep. It's a rare thing to happen, but it's bad all the same.
Professionals are the only truly good way to go.
...I thought Korean ages were adding one to the "international" age, or something like that since it's considered as 1 during the age most other people consider as 0 (or count by months)....but either way, it doesn't matter how old you are when you get your ears pierced. I think I was slightly younger than you when I first got my ears pierced at a mall (which I had no problems afterwards with)...but I only have one piercing for each ear. My friend, who has multiple piercings, goes to a tattoo/piercing store. My parents made sure to get gold earrings even though they were more expensive to avoid infections.
edit: I believe they were gold plated or something I was only 10 so couldn't really remember. They were just really persistent in not getting cheap metal.
Steel and titanium are better than gold for new piercings because gold is much softer, so it scratches more easily and allows more bacteria to breed. Gold is only worth putting into fresh piercings if it's 24K.
Can anyone believe it?! Nepalese get their BABIES ears pierced while th still are BABIES due to some kind of religion
A lot of Americans do that, too... Or at least they did for a while. I don't know if it's been made illegal or not, but it was a big trend a few years ago.
I got my first ear piercings (lobes) done at Icing's (it's pretty much the same thing as Claire's) when I was 7 (pretty young but my mom was cool with it haha) and my cartilage on my left ear pierced when I was.. 13..? and it was at Icing's as well. My ears turned out fine and healed fine. I'm not sure what equivalent to Claire's you have where you live but they use earrings that won't agitate your ears I would look into the stores that provide ear piercing services (that sounds rather formal haha) in your area and see if they use surgical steel or silver earrings. If your piercing goes wrong it's definitely not fun and if you don't feel comfortable getting it done at a store, you could go to a professional like Monika suggested
If any friends of yours have their's pierced ask them where they got them done
It's always good to research
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