
My name is Natsuki Otani, Tokyo born illustrator who worked in England, Portugal, Germany and now Sweden.

My hope is that my illustration can make people happy even if it is for a moment.

I have a style that is best described in colour and realised in detailed design. Bold vibrant colour forms the basis of a working practice that seeks to unite dreams and reality.

Have you always been creative and artistic?

I guess I am, like many artists would say, I enjoyed drawing as a kid. I went to an art high school in Tokyo and since then I pursued art education in England where I graduated from a graphic design/illustration course.

How would you describe the style of your work?

I try to give the viewer a feast of colour and complexity, my surreal macabre touches are the counterpoint to my sweet and childlike innocent subjects.

What’s in your pencil case and what’s your favorite tool?

I don't have a pencil case as my tools wouldn't fit in it. I have so many things I use and I don't. I must say my favourite is my dipping pens though I always end up dyeing my fingers with inks and look like I'm injured.

Who is your favorite superhero?

I didn't grow up with the typical DC/marvel superheroes, so it's hard to say! I like Kick-ass and Deadpool, maybe I just like gore...?

If you could have one super power what would it be?

I'm sorry I'm just lazy, teleportation would help with that. It would be cool if I could teleport other people with me without carrying them.

Where do you look for inspiration?

Music, films and photography. I love tumblr for it as you never know what you encounter.

Who are your favorite artists or comic book authors?

Georgia O'Keeffe, Egon Schiele, Christian Boltanski, Gerhard Richter, Wolfgang Tillmans, James Jean and it goes on. As for comics I read loads of Japanese comics and it's hard to choose, but my recent favourite is Golden kamuy by Satoru Noda.

Do you have a favorite artist you'd love us to feature for Superhero Sunday? Send us a message!




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