My name is Katie Chappell. I am an artist living in Berlin, Germany. I grew up in North East England, received my foundation degree in animation from Newcastle College and my BA(hons) in Illustration and design from Sunderland University. I live on the 4th floor of an old German block of flats overlooking a canal with ducks that I like to listen to while I work. In amongst the plants on my desk I create playful drawings and paintings that have been described as 'innocent, with a hand-rendered feel'. During my time in the UK I founded the urban sketching group, Sketchcrawl North East, started Illustration Bandits magazine and co-animated a film for the Angel of the North's 15th anniversary. Most recently I have worked with Newcastle University to illustrate a series of short stories about future sustainability and eco-friendliness in the city.
Have you always been creative and artistic?
Yes! I've been making things for as long as I can remember. I was always drawing in the margins of my school work, writing books and magazines and binding them myself with sticky tape and staples, making up my own comic book characters and writing poems and stories. Sitting cross-legged in my granny and grandpa's living room I would draw entire summers away and
How would you describe the style of your work?
When I am drawing I am having fun, playing with an idea, and I hope that sense of childish enjoyment comes through in my work. I am really rubbish at describing my work but other people throw words like “innocent” and “home-made” around. I really don't know. The style of my work is just what happens when I put pen to paper.
What’s in your pencil case and what’s your favorite tool?
I don't have a pencil case – but I do have a green elastic band that holds everything together. In that elastic band I've got: coloured pencils, some 2B pencils, a few watercolour paintbrushes, lots of inky black pens in varying thicknesses. The UniBall eye pens are absolutely my favourite. I always have a couple with me.
Who is your favorite superhero?
Squirrel girl. She has the same powers as a squirrel. I only just found out about her today but she sounds excellent.
If you could have one super power what would it be?
Flying please.
Where do you look for inspiration?
Everywhere! Whenever I'm feeling stuck travelling helps me find inspiration again. Even if it is travelling around the block by foot for a 10 minute walk. (Or relocating to live in a new country...which I highly recommend.)
Who are your favorite artists or comic book authors?
Quentin Blake and Mabel Lucie Attwell are illustrators who's work I grew up admiring and they continue to inspire me.
Do you have a favorite artist you'd love us to feature for Superhero Sunday? Send us a message!