
My work is about love. It is about a deep experience of all aspects of the life we all live: pleasant, unpleasant, real or imaginary. It is about the love for the ‘inner child’ in all of us.
I love colour and texture and I use it in my art, I explore it with mixed media, mostly a mix of acrylics, watercolours, inks, pencils and resin.

Have you always been creative and artistic?

Yes. Since I can remember i was always doing something creative. As a child i played with mud, clay and paint. My parents are both creative, dad is an architect and photographer with a great talent for sketches, and mum is a talented amateur writer. She wrote plays for her local community theatre group when she was young. I guess for me being creative was the 'normal', i don't know any other form of existence.

How would you describe the style of your work?

Whimsical, playful, colourful and sometimes with a hint of humour.
I love colour and texture, however, lately I have been falling in love with more subtle colour combinations and a softer style. It all depends on my mood, as it dictates what I do at any given time.

What’s in your pencil case and what’s your favorite tool?

I don't have a pencil case...I have boxes full of stuff...from acrylics, to pencils, inks and all sorts of bits and pieces...i tend to accumulate a lot as i love to experiment , and even though some experiments don't turn out how I imagined I still hang onto everything just in case.

Who is your favorite superhero?

I don't have one to be honest. But if I had to pick a super hero, I would choose someone who can master time...those who always look well composed and always manage to get everything done in so little time are my heroes.

If you could have one super power what would it be?

Master time! Wish I could freeze time so that I can achieve all things from my 'to do list'...

Where do you look for inspiration?

Everywhere. In nature, conversations I have, life events, books....everywhere. My head is constantly spinning with ideas.

Who are your favorite artists or comic book authors?

Hard to choose. However if i had to 'pin down' a few on the spot I could never go past Fred Williams and John Olsen (two great Australian artists) whose works I find inspiring, even though what I do is not related. I am always moved to tears when I visit museums and see their great works on the wall.

Do you have a favorite artist you'd love us to feature for Superhero Sunday? Send us a message!




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