I'm an illustrator and designer living in the suburbs of Los Angeles. I was born here and grew up here, so the Southern California landscape has an influence on my work. I love bright colors and patterns, and work to the sound of Brit Pop. I have an orange tabby cat named Sebastian who's a total gentleman and loves all things English.
Have you always been creative and artistic?
Yes and no. I have always been really creative and imaginative since I was kid, but I wasn't really into drawing or any of the visual arts. I was really into DIY things: knitting, sewing, anything that involves making something with my hands. I really liked math and I thought science was cool, so I originally planned to be an engineer. It wasn't until I got into web design & graphic design in high school that I even considered a career in art. I went on to get a BFA in Graphic Design, and during my coursework I fell in love with drawing.
How would you describe the style of your work?
I think the best I can describe it is: cute & quirky. I like to draw/paint imaginary things that are visual analogies.
What’s in your pencil case and what’s your favorite tool?
I typically just have a couple of pencils (basic #2 pencils), a blue Col-Erase pencil, a white plastic eraser, and maybe a pencil sharpener. I like to keep it simple. My favorite tools are a basic Bic mechanical pencil and a #4 round brush (doesn't matter what brand, but I'm currently using Winsor & Newton Cotman).
Who is your favorite superhero?
Batman. I like how incredibly flawed he is and how he doesn't need to have super powers to get the job done. He can outsmart the bad guys with logic.
If you could have one super power what would it be?
Does immortality count as a super power? But honestly, I would want a super power that allows me to visualize how all things are made/how they function. So it's like my mind would be able to dissect the construction of something just by looking at it.
Where do you look for inspiration?
I draw most of my inspiration from everyday life. I like really mundane things and activities; Then I'll think about how those situations would be a little less ordinary. Like my Purrito (cat burrito) piece was inspired by my cat sleeping in the blankets. My cat also inspires me!
Who are your favorite artists or comic book authors?
Mary Blair, Amanda Visell, Yelena Bryksenkova, Lizzy Stewart, Ping Zhu, Joey Chou, Gemma Correll…the list can go on for days!
Do you have a favorite artist you'd love us to feature for Superhero Sunday? Send us a message!