Have you always been creative and artistic?
Yes! No! Kind of? I think most people start out creative--they are encouraged to draw and paint, to solve problems visually. Then we are trained to think this is the territory of children and that being creative won't pay the bills. As if art and responsibility are mutually exclusive. I went through a fierce period of creative denial in high school and college before I took a drawing class as an elective and was forced to realize that the safe path wasn't something I'd be happy with. And then, after graduating, I worked shitty jobs, still not confident or trusting of my skills. My like changed when I accepted that I not only liked making art, but that I was capable of supporting myself with it.
How would you describe the style of your work?
A Quaintrelle Soiree, with cherries on top. Leave with your heart in your hands.
What’s in your pencil case and what’s your favorite tool?
I am slightly obsessed with switching out my pencil cases and supplies, depending on where I'll be and what I intend to do. Right this second I'm a sucker for white watercolor pencil for highlights. My case in my purse contains a Gossip Girl notebook, a tiny paintbrush, scissors, watercolor pencils, and glitter glue.
Who is your favorite superhero?
I don't read a lot of comic books. Really, I read Classics Illustrated and Katy Keene when I was little (I'm certain that Katy's blue-black hair influences me still!) I watched the first two seasons of Heroes, but was mesmerized by the villain more than anybody else. My real superheroes are women I know and love: Taryn Hipp for her superhuman strength and honesty, Dyana Valentine for her intuitive presence, my mom for teaching me to look for the potential in everything.
If you could have one super power what would it be?
To not be hindered by self-doubt or fear in the pursuit of what I want.
Where do you look for inspiration?
I am very thankful to live in Los Angeles, which inspires me every time I turn around. I love walking outside and smelling jasmine in the air. I adore reading or hearing about people operating from a place of kindness or empathy, just because they have an opportunity to do so. Emails that are secretive, containing intimate soul baring details that liberate or unite. My friends that make beautiful things or aid in the realization that people are beautiful. Being selective about the internet. Thoughtful encouragement to make better, to be better.
Who are your favorite artists or comic book authors?
My favorites are those that live honestly about who they are. I love folks who create who they are with sincerity and mindfulness. I am always checking out Kim Burly, Augusta Gail, Jennifer Emerling, and Doe Deere. I like people who don't deny that their own fear exists, and then they push through it to produce great work that resonates with others. If you can do that, if you can connect, then you've really gotten somewhere.