Swap request

474 replies since 15th March 2011 • Last reply 15th July 2021

<strike><b>SOMEONE FROM THE UK, HELP ME!</b> (This headline is quite popular, I think.)

Name: Alejandra
Country: México
International (yes/no): Yes
Status (newbie/vet): Vet
Will swap with a newbie (yes/no): Yes, whoever is willing to do this!
Summary of swap wish: I need some postal stamps. It will be for two envelopes, international airmail sending (overseas, outside Europe), first class, 50 grams each one.
I'll swap whatever you ask for (you can see my projects for a better idea) and I'll be forever grateful.

Thank you so much in advance. n_n</strike>

ETA: This has been resolved with some international coupons.

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Ok, i might be going out on a limb here, but would anyone fancy doing a Karl Pilkington themed swap??
I absolutely LOVE the guy, i think he's so funny!!
He's Ricky Grevais' mate who was their producer on XFM who now stars in the AMAZING Idiot Abroad on Sky 1.
I think there's be some really cool Karl themed thing to be made!!

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Ale - do you mean used or new stamps?

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New stamps, Julie G.

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I want to do another Harry Potter swap. Like a 2 or 3 item swap. Yep, I'm that nerdy. Lemme know if yer interested. =P

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There seemed to be a couple of people interested in a country-country swap. So I'll leave it a week or so then I'll post it as a seperate swap : )

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I'd do the Harry Potter Swap. I missed the last one

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I'd like to do another HP swap!! Especially with being on pottermore now has given me a breath of fresh HP air XD

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i'd do a HP swap too,but can I ask for specifically Ron or Nevil based stuff please?

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There's four of us. Do you think that institutes a formal swap? =)

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Why Thank You kindly, and yes I'm sure it does.Happy

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Would be fun to post I though.I'm sure peeps would love to join in.

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Anyone still interested in a Pokemon swap? =D

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literally swapping pokemon? Tongue
Yeah I'd be interested, making a pokemon would be a challenge, a pokeball-seems common.

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You can make a few Pokemon themed items, the person says what their fave pokemon, pokemon type, character, etc is and you make them items. We could also say that the person has to send a few Pokemon TCG cards with too if there are enough people who wanna swap the Pokemon cards too

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