Swap request
Just so you know, I'm going to withdrawn from any swap at all from, say, December the 10th till January the 8th or so. During that time Italian posts seem to go crazy and they lose almost anything they have to deliver. Last year, as an Ebay seller, I had A WHOLE SHIPMENT (6 different packages!) sent on the 18th going missing. One was even being sent within the same city!
As far as it's business, who cares: I refunded the items and decided not to ship that time of the year again - but the thought of something made especially for me with care, thought and effort not finding me, or the other way round, just drives me crazy.
So yeah, no last-minute Christmas shipping for me. I can promise, though, that anything I receive in an early Christmas swap is going to be kept tightly sealed until it's time.
so a swap that sends out end of november would be good for you?
xmas swap is up and open!!
I got Reidergirl's personal stuffed animal swap!
Zena the Zebra
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/animalnikki/6243604398/" title="Zena the Zebra by AnimalNikki89, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6051/6243604398_7c2bff2927.jpg" width="374" height="500" alt="Zena the Zebra"></a>
Yours should be with you soon!
Okays! I've been wanting to attempt making a skirt for someone that is not here with me to constantly measure and fix and such, and I also really want a full apron with pockets.
Would anyone be willing to swap that? Me make a skirt, and you make an apron?
Oooo I'll do it. Do you have a style of skirt in mind?
Name: becca aka dizzydisaster
Country: australia
International (yes/no) : yeah
Status (newbie/vet): newbie
Will swap with a newbie (yes/no): yep
Summary of swap wish:
tim burton themed swap
Nikki: I didn't have a style in mind, I'm still a new-ish seamstress, but I feel skirts are my strong point If you;d like to search around the internet, show me 5 or so pics of skirt you'd like I could work from there
I'd really like a full apron, the kind that comes up over your shirt, ( I hate getting my clothes wet when I wash dishes it's awful! LOL)
Anyway PM if you'd like
I just found my spare bobbins so yeah! I'll pm u now.
Ok I got my awesome jewelry package from Debbie Chan the other day and I have to share!
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pascailpamela/6261860468/" title="From Debbie chan by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6057/6261860468_61c728998e.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt="From Debbie chan"></a>
I just love the citrus fruit earrings! they are so funky I love it! She was ah-mazing to swap with!
Thanks Debbie-Chan!
Haha darn Nikki I would have been all up on that if you hadn't
If anyone would like to do a decoden / kawaii swap or a jewelry swap, Feel free to message me.
I'd like to do a TEA swap
Maybe a few teas, and a tea themed item. Like a tea wallet, or a tea charm necklace, or tea cookies, something to go along with it.
Let me know if anyone is interested!
Zombie-themed swap anyone?
or stuffed animal?
Hi guys,
For an idea I have, I'm looking for sand from beaches all over the world. I like to make a little box/shelf with small bottles filled with sand from all over the world.
Are there people who want to send me some sand in a bag? I'm willing to send anything (as far as I van make it) to swap.
Pammerz is sending me Hawaiian sand already.
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