*~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)

328 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

I know I'm slow but when I get these together I do enjoy them.
One sent.Please can I have another addy Happy

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Ok Dragonfly and Debs, I'll get one to you right away XD

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ohh pam i'd like to send out a happy gram!!
i'll resend you my address in case c:

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Thanks for the Happygram Mary Happy
You chose the right chocolate for me. I looooove withe cocolate!! I couldn't keep it, so I ate it directly.. hihi...

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Has anyone gotten any cool happy grams lately? We need to get some fresh faces in here, people are starting to send to the same people twice. Lol

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I had sooo much fun making the Happygram I'm going to sent out tomorrow :-D

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Just got home from a rather rubbish holiday on which both my daughter and I got the sickness bug. How wonderful it was to get through the door and find a happy gram from EVEnl Happy Thank you so much, I LOVE the bracelet and the postcard made me chuckle. Am now feeling guilty that mine has been sat on the side for 2 weeks waiting to go down to the post office, I promise I shall get down there tomrrow. Thanks again EVEnl Happy

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Pam-Thanks for the Happygram and the beautiful Dragonflies.The flower are going into a little happygram right now Happy

Happy Day

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Still no sign of happygrams here! Pffff, Italian posts do suck sometimes.

Pammerz, I had a few issues in the last few days and I was delayed posting my happygram. Hope to solve everything by the end of the week at the latest. I'll let you know when I need a new address Happy

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I am sending another happygram out tomorrow!

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Thank you so much for my happygram. I love the little bracelet and I'm now wearing it. I've had a busy and somewhat down couple of days and you really cheered me up. Thank you sooooo much.



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Hang on girls!

Today I received two - yessir, TWO - happygrams in one go. BOTH OF THEM HAD THE WRONG ADDRESS ON THEM. I mean the mistyped one. So they're actually coming! The posts probably just need more time processing them. I'm so happy! I thought I was never going to get them. So EVEnl! There IS a chance I'll get your pot holders eventually! Happy

Thank you so so so much to the two people who sent the happygrams - I got Danielle S. one and Kimmi's one. They were both adorable and they made me feel all tingly and fluffy inside. They came just at the right time, as I'm having a really tough time at work and I had a few issues with my boyfriend over the past few days (that hopefully will work out just fine in the next few days, but you never know)...

Thank you again so much! We really have to keep this going, now I can finally say happygrams are fun to make AND awesome to receive Happy

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OMG Thanks Kimmi for the happygram! I love the Zombie Bunny. (& it came at a perfect time, as i was having a crappy day then).
Sorry it took so long to thank u, my computer has completely crashed on me, im on my brothers now. Happy
I've never gotten somethin from England before, i was so excited! Your bunny's picture is hangin in my room now. <3

I love happygrams ...i hang them up to remind me that there are people this nice & good out there. & someone cares about me. U guys r awesome.

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Yey congrat to everyone who has received and awesome happy gram lately and also thanks to everyone for being so amazing about sending them out and keeping in touch!!! You all rock!

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I received a Happygram yesterday from Essex Debs!
Thank you so much Happy
I had a really chaotic day at work so it was very nice to come home and find this cute happygram Happy

I also send another happygram today!

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