*~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)

328 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

So I just got my happy gram returned to me in the mail. I double checked the address and it's right.....Hmmmm....Anyways going to send it back out again! This time I'm dropping it out at the post office myself!

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So I just got my happy gram returned to me in the mail. I double checked the address and it's right.....Hmmmm....Anyways going to send it back out again! This time I'm dropping it out at the post office myself!

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So I just got my happy gram returned to me in the mail. I double checked the address and it's right.....Hmmmm....Anyways going to send it back out again! This time I'm dropping it out at the post office myself!

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This has happened to me if the package weighs more than the postage allows.

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Received a lovely and very well timed happygram from EssexDebs this morning.

After unwanted contact from my evil ex husband, I had been feeling a little bit down and I have to say, that a happygram has worked far better than half a bottle of vodka (which I am ashamed to say I resorted to on Thursday night)

So thanks Debs, it is much appreciated and very well timed


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It took a little longer than usual, but I got a HappyGram ready to be sent out today! :-D

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Kimmi I hope the weekend has been kinder to you.
I received the most beautiful happygram from Kimmi today.I can truly why it takes 3 days to design an ATC.It is just perfect.
OK so I just have to show how talented she is.
Off to take pics....

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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/essexdebs/5569302453/" title="Happygram by EssexDebs, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5292/5569302453_c7d1b9c539_z.jpg" width="480" height="640" alt="Happygram " /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/essexdebs/5569909700/" title="Happygram by EssexDebs, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5140/5569909700_ca0d0d07f2.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Happygram " /></a>

Think I need another addy Happy

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Awww Debs.....

*Blushing* It was my first EVER ATC and as I was sending you a happygram (the lady that encouraged me to host my first ever swap involving, of course, ATC's) it seemed only right that I sent it to you :0)

In other news, I finally managed to finish the ATC's to send to Michelle G. I was in danger of NOT meeting my own send out date LOL.


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How cute EVEnl! Your super talented with those ATC's! I loved the ones you sent me also <3

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Feel like we need to get this thread up and running again, so ping me another address and I'll pop one in the post :0)


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forgot to post last week to say i received another happy gram from Tessa S this timne. Thank you so much. My little girl had the stickers away before I'd even had a chance to look at them Happy She loved them. and the little sweets were yummy too (I did manage to keep all of them though!) I finally got round to sending mine off yesterday so someone should hopefully get something soon. Can I have another coulpe of names as its not the gettign the happy grams together its rembering to post them. Thanks xx

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Yesterday I received two wonderful happygrams, one from Essex Debs and one from Tessa S. Unluckily the package on Tessa S. one was torn open, so the postman told me to check if everything was inside and if anything was missing to file a complaint. I don't think anything is missing, but just in case I took pictures of what I received and I'm posting it here so Tessa can have a look... [URL=http://img814.imageshack.us/i/happygramtocheck.jpg/][IMG]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/7056/happygramtocheck.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Is this all? Oh, I see now the picture is missing the little card with the quote and the signature, but that was in there as well Happy

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Id love an address for a happy gram this is such a cute idea! Ill sent you my addy Happy

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I've sent out happygrams before but this thread makes me want to send more. I would love an adress and I'll PM you mine. Happy

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