*~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)

328 replies since 10th February 2011 • Last reply 10th February 2011

I saw the coolest things today while in line at UPS! They were plastic bottles about 6 inches tall, that had a message inside! It was a message in a bottle... get it! And on the out side there was a lable like on a post card. They were sooo cute, but they wanted $6.00 each. I wonder If I could find those kind of bottles at a party store. How cute would that be as a Happy Gram!

Also they had "Mini Beaches", which were mini baggies with a scoop of sand, tiny sea shells, one of those paper drink umbrellas, fabric tropical flowers and a few other tiny beachy items. They arfe supposed to be like tiny holidays/vacations! How addorable. I think I will try and make some of those XD

Dont forget to post here when you recive your Happy Gram! We all want to know about your cute cards/items.

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THANK YOU TESSA! Guys look what I got! You absolutely made my day, Tessa I fell ill on Monday so receiving your happy gram absolutely made me feel a bit better.

I wonder how long it takes for my first sent happy gram to get there...

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Awww thats so cute! I love the tiny box with goodies! Such great timing too!

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"Life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavanger hunt as opposed to a surprise party "

Searching really is half the fun

Perfect words Pammerz Happy

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hahaha Debs that really is one of my most favorite quotes!

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Can I get another address please this is fun Happy

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pammerz, hihi hope your little tiny box is getting there soon ;) then you can see your goodies.... didn't have a teaser, but this is like teasing you right?

* grrr I so can stand this package take so long!! still no sign of the postman......ppff *

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OK so I've tidied up my inchies and found a whole batch of card blanks so I think I need another addy please Happy

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Woot! Oh of course you can get another address Debs! I'll send you a new one in a message! XoXoX

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Hi Pam,

Have finally got my act together and I'm ready for another happygram. :0)


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So I got a ton of orders and totally forgot to send my happy gram out...(hides sheepishly under the desk) BUT...I'm fixing that today!

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Haha! Get that thing in the mail girl! lol But I guess I can't complain because business got in the way, its always a good thing when your busy because of lots of orders!

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I got an amazing happygram today from lydia, it came at the perfect time i have been having a bad few days and it really made me feel like im not alone.
Thanak you so much

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I got an amazing happygram today from lydia, it came at the perfect time i have been having a bad few days and it really made me feel like im not alone.
Thanak you so much

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YEEAAHHHH! I'm so glad that I can spread the happiness!

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