Newbie Vs. Vet Swap (NEW)
OMG~ Lima that is an awesome package!
I feel all proud now! I'm so happy, it was my very first all-crafts-swap so it's nice to see that you appreciated my work!
Can't wait to get yours now 8D
Oh, Kiddo...I totally agree. That would be much easier. I started a list but I need to update it. I just have to wait to be finished with this swarm of swaps that aren't complete yet. ;)
I got my package from Em today! It's so cool! She made me Cthulhu!
Thanks, Em!
oh yay you got my package! there should be a little rocket there :\ i hope it didn't fall out or anything! sucks if it did... and i'm glad you like cthulu! or cthuluhu. i still can't spell it.
The little rocket must have fallen out. The package was open when I got it.
waah nooo! it was a pretty cool rocket. it's so awesome ima send it to you again!
dude... that's like the second time i've lost a rocket. well that's a bit depressing.
Weekly update Hunting Wabbits package has arrived.Great polymer clay treats including a face and a set of legs for me to get creative with.A very cool Flat Annie. [URL=¤t=HW003.jpg][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Lucy Stars has posted and package is on it's way from Norway. No word from Julie H with two weeks left to run for her swap.
Oddbreed and I have both mailed off our packages and both are still waiting to get them, just wanted to update on that.
it looks like the package i mailed is back in my state, I will resend when i get it in my possesion. hey Spooky, we have until the 18th....LOL! package has been resent as of today! i have also recieved Spookys package~
<a href="¤t=Picture464.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Spooky Sweeties gifts"></a>
pics a bit big..LOL!
Odd, we have as long as it takes, it's no worries. I'm glad it isn't lost though! Can't wait to get it. Pleased you got the stuff I sent.
Hope everyone elses swaps are going well.
I have a confession I've picked up Ani W as I'm pretty sure Julie H will not pan out (happy to eat my words if she does).
Ani is in the thinking stage ;0)
Also sent a gentle enquiry to Jazz with no response
Lucy Star's all packed up and ready to go.Norway to Seattle who knows how long ! I'll probably post at the weekend.
Gypsie Moon received my package a few days ago. Just waiting on her's to get here
Alright! Thanks for the updates, guys! I think I'll remove Jazz from the list. I sent a message too quite a while ago with no response. Maybe she doesn't use the site anymore?
Let me know if she writes you back!
Yay! I'm this much *holds fingers close together* closer to getting my vet!
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