Newbie Vs. Vet Swap (NEW)

216 replies since 18th October 2010 • Last reply 18th October 2010

I'd like to be added to the Hall of fame as I completed my swap with Kiddo..


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Minnie, I don't know how I missed you! Sorry! You're on the list now, hun!

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This is cool Dessah since the other thread isn't working, but most of us vets agree that you become a veteran swapper once you've completed at least 5 swaps. Not trying to limit anyone, or say you can or can't be one, it's just something that was determined some time ago before all of you great newbies joined us!!

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Sorry, creative...I was just going by what Essex Debs said. What should I do?

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Well, I can't say because I don't want to take labels from ppl if they want it. I'm just saying that, one swap anywhere (newbie swap or any other hosted swap) doesn't really make someone a veteran swapper, it just proves (at least to me) that so far the person is reliable as a swapper. To be a veteran at anything, a person has to have had long service or experience in something.
The determination of that was made before Sug even started the newbie swap and she too was one of the vets that agreed that 5 swaps was sufficient enough experience to become a vet. Again, I'm just pointing that out, but not saying that one cannot become a veteran if they want to be labeled as one.

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@ Dessah! I think Essex Debs is on to a winner (I always notice how highly active Essex Debs is in the newbie swaps! Happy we are lucky to have Essex Debs)
You have to complete a newbie swap in order to do another swap so why can't the next swap be the newbie swap? (sometimes there are not a lot of swaps going but this one is on going and makes it easy to participate in) to help another keen new swapper out! If everyone sticks to the newbie swap rules

also after Christmas is out of the way I would love to start helping newbies become official swappers

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I would love to ...need a buddy to get me started!

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Eep I see the problem. How about a level of swapper... cos Newbie and Vet are the two polar opposites.

Newbie. Intermediate. Expert. Vet?
Something like that? Then it doesn't have to technically be a Vet that has to swap with a noob.. du follow me?


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That sounds like a good idea, Minnie...but I can't keep up with everybody and how many swaps they've done for that idea to work on this particular swap. lol

I think that if you finish the Newbie swap, you should be able to pick up another newbie and help guide them...we just don't have enough "vets" who are active on this swap to not allow it. Besides, like I said, I just can't keep up with how many swaps everyone has done...but I can keep a list of who completed this one. That's a little easier.

If it's a matter of wording, we could call it "people who have successfully completed the newbie swap" rather than "vet". ;)

@Oddbreed. Swapping is so much fun! Technically, you don't HAVE to wait until a "vet" picks you up on this thread. You could apply to other swaps that have been started. Keep in mind though, that with all the flaking lately, many swap hosts require that you complete this swap first. So, you can try your luck, or just be patient. You're on the list now, so hopefully you'll be contacted soon!

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thanks Dessah H! I will be patient...

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Just wanted to let you know that Em in Australia is swapping with me. We're about to send out.

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Essex Debs~I'll swap with...your not far postal wise, maybe that would be good for a first swap? let me know if youve got swap space...

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Oddbreed - If Debs is too busy, Heather C. and Myself offered to be your Vet. Heather said it would be a Dec. send out date for her and I have some time in Nov... Just wanted to let you know. Happy

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Thanks got it!

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Thanks got it!

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