Friendship book swap - ongoing

86 replies since 23rd May 2010 • Last reply 23rd May 2010

I'm going to be away next week so I don't know if I'll be able to check the internet. I hope that doesn't slow things down. Let me know Martha if you hear nothing from Secret Squirrel - she's normally really good so maybe she's been away. Its that time of year. I don't mind dropping her a quick line when I get back though if you have no joy.

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Emmilou, I've got Martha's and it's filled in and I'll be putting it in the post on Monday from work Happy x

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Just to let you know, Martha's book only went in the post this morning so should be arriving in tomorrow's post! Happy Do we know how far the books have got yet? x

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hi there synth ^_^
i got martha's book today, thanks, haven't been able to get on here properly though until now, hubby's been very ill Happy
i'll be able to get it filled out tomorrow morning and then send it on to pepperpotts, hopefully in the afternoon...if not though, it'll definitely be sent on friday morning Happy

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I still haven't received any books and I haven't heard anything from Secret Squirrel Happy Hope she's ok....

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I'm still in Germany at the mo but will message her when I get back tomorrow.

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Hi All,I've just got back from Yellowstone and can't get my mail until Tuesday -will let you know if any books appear and apologize in advance if I've caused any delay :0)

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I rec. 3 books from Krafty Kokatie (her's, DIYER4LIFE and Dessah's) I will be finishing them up tonight and hopefully getting them in the mail tomorrow...just have to check the list...I think they go to Chibigirl...(runs off and checks)

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I received Melissa's today will post by Friday :0)

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What's happening with these here books then ladies? x

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I don't know...I haven't received any in a while.

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I posted Melissa's on the 7th. Hope it arrives soon.Is mine still in circulation ?

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I got one from Secretsqirrel today! I'm glad she hasn't gone missing! Will post it on in the next couple of days Happy

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Sorry Martha I forgot to say that I'd heard from her. I think she was just a bit snowed under but was on the case.

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Sorry Martha I forgot to say that I'd heard from her. I think she was just a bit snowed under but was on the case.

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