ATC Swap...Partners posted for round 16!!
Partner list for round 15
Creativemind and dropthetacos
Chibigril and Melissa K.
Jolanda and Siobhan R.
Cloudgurl1986 to Angel Eve to Jeanette W. to Cloudgurl1986
Remember this round you do the anger/wrath and greed/avarice sin cards and then the remaining 7 anything you want.
And for newbies of this swap, in case you don't know, ATC's are a mandatory size of 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 size (same size for regular trading cards like baseball, pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc.) and we send out a total of 9 cards altogether.
Happy swapping!!
I can't wait to get started. I have already contacted Cloudgurl986
Just got Jeanette message, and I'll send Angel Eve a now.
Ok Chibigirl ^^
I will hopefully be able to come back to this swap next month or the one after. Running late again -__-* (I'm so useless) but ran into unforeseen rental issues so had to sort some of that out on my days off instead of getting to the post office grrr. Will be moving in the next couple of weeks so once settled back in I'll try and make it back to this swap to finish my Sins!
It's cool Rhibi, we know how "life" can get in the way of crafting. I will be looking forward to you coming back when you are able to. Hope things work out for you.
Just letting you know I managed to get to the post office this morning to finally get those cards sent off So Cloudgirl they are on their merry way
yay I got Chibigirl! She already messaged me so I just have to get started!
Ok dropthetacos, yours are in the mail and on their way!!
Just rode my bike to the post office, and your ATCs are on their way, Creativemind!
It's so hot outside! :-O
Mine arn't completely finished yet but they'll be on their way in the mail on tuesday. ( It would be monday but its a holiday and i dont think the post will be open). Hope you enoy them Jeanette
Sounds great Angel Eve! I can't wait. I'll be working on mine tomorrow and then sending out to Cloudgurl986.
OMG! dropthetacos, it's not necessary to die of a heat stroke when participating in my swaps, LOL! Thanx for the effort though, I will be looking out for them.
Oh Jeanette, im so sorry for this. I wont be posting untill later now. I've been having trouble thinking of ideas for the sin cards for this round. You'll get them, just a little bit later. Sorry, i thought i would have finished them by now, but these ones are the hardest by far.
No worries Angel Eve, I can wait. I'm looking forward to see what you come up with.
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