ATC Swap...Partners posted for round 16!!
Here my cards from Cloudgirl1986. The lust sin card was very original!!
#9 is cool. I like buddhist things.
I'm still waiting for my cards from Beatrice, I don't know if she's recieved hers yet either. I'm in for the next round though.
I still have to post pix from Dark Ash...I have them with me daily just haven't gotten the chance to take the out and snap some shots!!! SORRY ASH! But i'm in for round 15 too!
I'm up for round 15 too.
I'm up for round 15. I haven't done one for awhile and miss making them and getting them
Hey count me in for round 15 too
I'm in!
I'd love to participate in this swap!
... but I've never done a swap before, is that okay? I promise to be a good partner! :-D
Sure dropthetacos (BTW, love your username!!), but yeah you can join and welcome back Jeanette!
I will be posting partners tomorrow afternoon. And for this round (15th) we will be sending out two of the last 3 sin cards anger/wrath and greed/avarice then the remaining seven of the mandatory nine. I'm just ready to get this theme over with because I'm anxious to start a new one!
So far we have:
Me of course
Riley (waiting for reply)
Angel Eve
BTW, to the members of my ATC network, I have added a few new events so check it out.
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Still accepting new members too!!
So Heathers ATC's came in to day :
The last one's her deadly sin card, if you can't read the font it says "Geeky Gamers Wet Dream" . ( It wasnt offensive btw, im a gamer so i found it hilarious personally :p)
Oh, and from the last round are Jolandas cards:
3 sins
The fishbowl one was really cool, and the card with writing on it has some german phrases, and then there translation in english on the back. I loved them!
I'd like to participate in round 15 as well. ^_^
(Lo, I'm going to post pictures as soon as I find my camera. . I haven't forgotten you!!)
Nice cards Angel Eve!
Sure chibigirl, I will be posting partners in an hour or so.
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