How about a gardening related swap?
I'm getting the gist of how the swaps work (I think) so don't mind being the one who organises it I thought we could swap seeds, decorated pots, those little stick that you label your plants with, garden ornaments, wind chimes or things with plants on.... How does that sound?
A Gardening swap sounds fab! I only live in an apartment now but I still love to have plants and grow veg in little window boxes so i'd love to take part xx
Cool Hopefully they'll be some others interested too.
I'm bumping this up for you all! I'm not interested b/c I'm terrible with gardening, but I'm sure lots of others will be interested. This post was just way down on the board. Good luck!
I had gotten 4 plants and only one seems to survive my horrible green thumb...but i blame the texas climate. So I am unsure on this one.
i had a pet cactus and he died no more plants for me
I'm happy for people to interpret the gardening theme any way they wish so they could include lavender bags, dreamcatchers, windcharms, garden ornaments, things with plants or flowers on even.... I'm happy for people to use they creative powers any way they wish As for the cactus.... I think cactus's are deceptively difficult to grow so don't feel bad that it died. They are so easy to over water! And they're really hard to gauge when they need water as they don't have much to wilt. Half of the battle with gardening is in the planning. Somethings are just really tricky to grow in certain climates. Sugar you should try sunflowers, they're great for kids too as they grow really quickly and have lovely flowers and the bees and butterflys love them. You just need to keep them watered. The best way to check if something needs watering is to stick your finger in the soil. If it comes out dirty its fine and can go another day. If it comes out clean they it could do with a drink. Its a similar principle to cakes
I hope that helps.
thanks for the ideas, let me see if I can come up some flowery ideas my brain is stuck on goodie bag swap and husband deployment in two months and I will let you know if I am in. I love lavendar bags and garden ornaments. I tried to start a herb garden and the only thing that seems to be thriving is the tomato plant that lillian picked out lol.
I took these pics at a local garden centre as it might give some ideas - there were things like tool belts, garden signs, mobiles, kneeling mats, gardening logs (i.e. like diaries not like big sticks), decorated plant pots, all sorts. I hope this gives some ideas.
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