New Resin Jewelry in My Etsy Shop

Visit my Etsy shop ( and check out my new resin creations! Each piece is priced at $5 or under (+S&H). Here is a sampling. I'll be adding more resin jewelry to my shop soon!

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5 replies since 3rd May 2009 • Last reply 3rd May 2009

awesome as usual kiddo i'm trying to get a job so hopefully i will be able to shop at your etsy

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Thanks, Patty!

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I love it all! Especially the kawaii little rings! What kind of resin do you use, or does it really matter? I've been wanting to try resin for a while now, and I went to pick everything up a few days ago, but there's so much to choose from, I just didn't know what to do! ^.^

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I use Easy Cast Resin which is really easy to mix and work with. I'm just starting out, so I don't know about any other brands.

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I just added two more resin rings, one with a flip flop and one with a star.

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