he's IMPOSSIBLE to buy for.....

Hey guys! Need some help, my friends birthday is coming up, he is turning 15 and is one of the most difficult people to get a gift for... so i decided i could make him something... only problemis i have no ideas.... He is incredibly fit and keeps a lot of his interests to himself, i baked for him once and that went down well, but i dont't want to give him the same thing... Please help??????????????????

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4 replies since 14th February 2012 • Last reply 14th February 2012

You could always try making something edible and maybe something to go along with eating it. Like use some porcelain paint pens and bake a giant cupcake into a bowl he could use for cereal (because what fifteen year old isn't constantly eating cereal?) or something. I may just have a cereal bowl fetish, though. Another edibles-with-something-to-match idea could be something baked with a metal stamped utensil, but the only problem with that is you need a metal stamping alphabet, though you can usually find those pretty cheap.

Since he keeps his interests mostly to himself, you can try thinking of things everyone likes, even though that's not as personal. Like, everyone (mostly, anyway) likes computers, music, etc. You could get a flash drive for him to store some files on and decorate it (have seen it done with legos) or maybe a jazzed up pair of earbuds or something to go with a gadget he has.

I've never done any of these, but I would so be happy to receive them all! Good luck, some people can be so tough!

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thanks so much, those are great ideas. Hes such a pain in the rear sometimes :p

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If all else fails some home baked food and a gift card

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